The Game Of Life
Read Count : 111
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
It was a dark and stormy night. Jack and Carly were in the house alone. They heard a knock on the door. When Carly answered the door nobody was there. So they thought it was a tree branch. 5 minutes later they heard another knock. This time when Carly answered it there was a box. Jack pocked it up and brought itup to Carlys room. Inside was a tiny box.Inside the tiny box was worms.They were hungry and descused.So they went to the kitchen and grabed a snack. But as they were leving somone grabed they feet. The next morning Carly's parent's came home. Theyfound the box and there clothing were laying on the floor. The police were contacted but Carly and Jack were never seen again. THE END ..... Now 🙂
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