A New Year- A New You Read Count : 140

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Do you adhere to “New Years Resolutions?”
Or are you part of the New Year Revolution?
When aaother year is done 
Do you analyze this year past-for what was 
lost and what was won

Are you of of a different mind
When we leave this year behind
Thinking if you make some changes that you feel are due 
What sense does if make for for a calandar
to control you

If changes are important  why would anyone 
By the time the this new year does arrive
it may be too damn late 
Even if you feel that waiting is ok
It puts on more significance when you turn to change your way
Why take this valued time by making it a waste 
When things could now improve when utilizing haste

The other possibility for a pragmatic line of thought 
Is it doesn’t make a difference to go by New Years being sought
Resolution-Revolution does not enter in
If these changes are NOW necessary
Let them NOW begin 

It may sound premature to even deal  with this 
When other events significant you do not want to miss
But as I drive to work On this early dawn 
I notice Christmas decorations on some scattered lawns
The stores have started to sell it their holiday wares
Along with”Black Friday “  which today arrives right here
Thanksgiving’s round the corner and many
planned ahead 
If you’re an early planner- I hope enough been said 
You should be making new year’s plans 
So you should be out of bed 

There are other dates I know you know that have to be addressed 
Then you can have all the worries of your chest 



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