Mystic Creatures: War Of The Angels- Hazel Read Count : 183

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
They finally arrived to the Dragon Kingdom. Hazel and Kenzie went to book rooms for the three.

"Two please." Hazel asked.
"Anyone else accompanying you gals," ask the front counterman.
"Yes, a person name Ace." Kenzie answered.
"A-Ace?" Counterman shook, "that would be 250 coons, and service will be from our top cooks and cleaning service."

Hazel and Kenzie got set up. They argued who'd get to room with Ace.
"I've known him the longest!" Kenzie yelled.
"I've been there through thick and thin!" 
"You both are rooming together," Ace said gathering his stuff and going into the room next door.

Hazel and Kenzie left the hotel early to go to meet the old lady.
"Hello youngsters, what may I help you with?" The old lady asked watering her plants.
"I want to know learn and master the powers of the dragons." Hazel answered.
"I'm just here for moral support." Answered Kenzie.

They began. Hazel went through rigorous training. Learning how to awaken her dragon eye on command. How to fly. Use her powers at great extent of their strength. Hazel went all out practicing. Her skin slowly turned into scales. Horns protruding from her forehead. Her strength quadrupled. Kenzie was memorized; Hazel finally turned into a full dragon. Horns. Tail. Wings. Claws. All the sorts of a dragon.

"Finally I can protect myself and fight a long side Ace when he needs it!" Hazel cheered.

The girls returned back to the hotel. When they got up to their rooms they noticed Ace's room door was opened. Kicked in. They rushed in and saw he wasn't there. Ace fought back though, blood and scorched marks were all on the wall. They frantically searched for Ace everywhere. No luck anywhere in the hotel. Kenzie began sweating, not from the heat Hazel was emitting, but from worrying about Ace's where about.

"Don't worry Ace, with my new powers, I'll find you and save you!" Hazel said in her head. Kenzie teared up a little.

"Let's go!" Hazel yelled.


  • Nov 19, 2019

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    Nov 19, 2019

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