I Love You.......
Read Count : 42
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Graphic novel
I love you more then a person addicted to there drug of choice. The love I have for you will never die down for you. That fire that stays burning even after so many firefighters and water gets thrown at it. But it doesn't die down. That's the love I got for you.. no matter whoever comes into my life. My fire will always burn for you. But just like every fire it gets put down. One day my fire for you will. Knowing I can never have you. Will die down my fire. But its always going to leave the ashes and burnt trees that happened from the fire. My love for you will forever be scarred in my heart. I love you so much. The fact that I cant have you hurts me so much. I crave nobody but you. To just hug you and get a smile from you is what I crave. I love you like I've never loved anyone in my life. I dont ever want to let you go love. Eres mi vida. You know I'd fight for you even if it was the last thing I do in my life. I'd fight for you with everything in me. Anything and all to be with you. But love is love and you cant control it or force it on anyone. Just know que siempre de luchare pa ti. My Spanish isn't good but I'm doing it. Cause for you love theres no limit on what I would do for you. I hope and pray one day you'd be able to feel what I feel once again. I love you deeply Ana! ❣❣