You! Read Count : 128

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
You are the woman that gave birth to me.
You are the worst of me.
You are the one I put in poetry.
You are the tree that refused to grow with me.

You were my request.
You are (at best) an addiction and that's my best guess.
You are one of the mistakes that I confess.
You are the conflicting emotions that I will feel one day, when are at rest.

You were the air beneath my wings.
You were the melody that sings.
You were the diamond rings, crown from Kings and other finer things.
You were also the mother of fiends.

You were the best of a bad situation.
You were my dedication.
You were part of my life that was taken.
You were the reason I lived in hell, because of your procreation.

You were the snake in the grass.
You were a moment's pass.
You were the love I thought I had.
You were what made me mad.

You were the reason I was open.
You were the moment I was hoping and when you left there was no coping.
You were one of the reason I was downsloping.
You were the capsized boat when I was drowning and you caused my choking.

You are the survivor.
You are the driver of the boat that turned you into a deep sea diver.
You are the igniter in the lighter.
You are the fire.

You were once broken.
You are now awoken.
You are the spoken.
You are the chosen.


  • I Love it

    Jul 09, 2017

  • OMG!!!! How absolutley, awsome. boy can i relate...

    Jul 12, 2017

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