Random Poem Say No Read Count : 152

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
If you say yes, think twice you may want to tell me no. If say no you might be mistaking & I will give myself the task for you to say yes. 
If you say yes I'll stop dreaming and I'll become an idiot maybe it's better if you say no and give me that yes as an countdrops.
Tell me no, thinking of a yes and leave the rest to me because If it gets too easy love becomes fragile and one stops dreaming. 
Just say no and you'll have me thinking about you all day long planning a strategy for that yes, tell me no and throw me a camouflage yes, plant me that doubt and I'll stay by your side. 
If you say yes the uncertain will escape and that tickle in the belly that I feel when you're coming will fade.
If you say no I'll keep conquering & discovering things you don't even know.
The easy always lasted so little and I won't deny I had fun but loneliness has driven me crazy because love has never passed here so say no and leave the door open.


  • Oct 03, 2019

  • Aug 11, 2020

  • Nov 26, 2021

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