I Can’t Forget
Read Count : 55
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
When you go to sleep, your mind wanders through your memories. You think back to your childhood. At least that’s way at happens to me.Hi. I’m Hailey. Hailey Smith. And when I dream, I dream of my childhood years.“Daddy! Daddy!” I cry. “Pick me up, pick me up!”There is silence in reply. I crawl over to Daddy’s bed. “Daddy?” I whisper. Daddy is still. I start to scream, start to call 911, when someone grabs me. Or rather, something.Then I’m falling, falling, falling, falling...Until I hit the ground. Shadows all around. No one at all. Panting, running, screaming.“Daddy, just help me please!” And then nothing.A kind stranger with white hair picking me up. The soft rising of his chest as he carries me home. Reaching out to touch his cheek just as darkness overcomes me.Waking up in warm house. Mama, Auntie, Uncle, and the stranger. The stranger sits by the fire, wrapped in a blanket. As I walk over to him, he reaches out a hand. I take it and...The dream is over.I still remember that stranger. He was so kind and loving. He left soon after dinner. I can still feel his presence, as if he is all around me, guiding me, protecting me. I won’t forget him. I can’t forget him.