Kaianna (Chp 1) Read Count : 70

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
     "KAIAMNA!" my best friend Sam said holding up his sword. 
      "Watch out SAM!" I yelled launching an arrow into a guys face. I ran to him and pulled it out and put it back. 
      "Kaianna!" Sam said pulling me to him cutting a man's head off.
      "What is it?" I asked watching the door about to get knocked down by the bad guys. He gently grabbed my face and put his sword away.
      "I love you!" Sam said pulling my face towards his then we kissed. 
      "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed waking up from my dream, and I sat up fast. I looked around the room and realized I was still in the castle. 
      I may not act like a princess but sadly I am. Hi, I'm Kaianna and I LOVE archery. Everyday that I have free time or feel lonely I'll grab my horse Twilight and ride in the woods and shoot my arrows, and then climb a rock wall near a waterfall. My horse is all black with dots that look like a bunch of color stars in the sky. She is a beautiful horse. And one thing about me is that when I have a dream I am looking into the future. 
      "Wanna have a sword fight Kaianna?" Sam said holding two swords. I nodded then got up and changed. He threw me my sword and we ran outside and jumped on our horses. We ran to the mountains where all the people that are very good at fighting with a sword. And. Well. I'm not trying to brag but honestly I am the best sword and archery fighter in my kingdom. When we got to the mountains, we walked to a food stand and got some stuff to eat and drink.
      "Hey, who's that?" a guy behind me said in the line next to his best friend. 
      "She's the BEST sword and archery fighter here!" his friend said. 
      "Alex! I dare you 20 coins that I will win!" the guy said to his friend holding a bag with coins in it. 
      "I doubt it that you'll win! Kiss your coins goodbye!" I said turning around and crossing my arms. 
      "Hahaha, she got'cha Andrew!" Alex said grabbing the bag of coins. 
      "Kaianna, hurry up! What do you want?" Sam asked turning around looking at me. A couple hours past and then it was a final against me, Alex, Andrew, and Sam. Me and Sane were a team until Alex got him out.
      "UGH..." I said getting angry at Alex.
      "Your lucky you have padding!" I said pulling back the arrow then letting go. It hit him in the chest where the padding is. Then I turned around glaring at Andrew. I put my Bow on my back, and pulled out my sword. 
      "Bah bye!" I said swinging my sword then put the point to his chest.
      "PRINCESS KAIANNA WINS!" the announcer said holding my hand up. Everyone cheered like normal, then I looked at Andrew.
      "Like I said. Kiss your coins goodbye!" I said smiling big. He walked over to me when I was talking to some friends. 
      "So. Are you an actually royal princess. Or just called that because your good?" Andrew asked putting his sword away. I realized that he never touched a bow and arrow. 
      "Anything ya want! And do you do archery?" I asked taking a bite from my apple. 
      "No! I never even touched a bow and arrow! So lets see how good your aim is princess." he said in a weird sarcastic way. I rolled my eyes and told him...
      "Ok. You have to stand 30ft away from me with a apple on your head!" I said pulling out my bow and grabbing an apple. 


  • this is really good but all it needs is a lot more wrighting.

    Jul 07, 2017

  • Debra Ackman

    Debra Ackman

    yes, i know i just had to stop for a bit but i sill be adding more to this

    Jul 07, 2017

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