Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Words might just be blots of ink on a page, but they have power. They might be simple sounds carelessly uttered from a mouth, but they can crush confidence and provoke anger. Words might be soft and emotional, cried in the midst of war, but they have the power to arise courage in the hearts of men. Words might be sung from the bottom of a hurting heart with no one listening, but they have the power to reach the ear of a great God who can turn sorrow into dancing. Words might be little things written on a little square piece of paper, but they have the power to bind hearts or separate them. They have the power to start wars or end them.
the powerlessness was i thought i could do it alone, without anyone showing me, and not learning to become open minded which kept me going back out..And having to come back only got worse cus shame and guilt led me to stay out..Much of which was false pride and ego, because i had the answers i thought..Fuck everyoomne else..My powerlessness was to always have more, be it alcohol or drugs an addictive personality which i alone was unable to control..i lossed everything, my self respect and my inability to love but only to hurt those around me and more so myself i was mentally, physically, spiritually financially the eleventh step prayer i wanted to understand rather than be understood, i certsinly want to help others and can feel inferior due to my limitations, as time goes on feeling much more comfortable being Mark Wood i finally see growing..i could be vety anti social when drinking ide go to the bar and sit by myself wallowing in self pity and resentments and if approaced sometimes i would lay it on that person..there is absolutely no avail from the most powerful desire to stop drinking..put my hand on that hot stove so many conclude i needefcthe willing ness to to become dpituaul and to grow upon that relationship and is growing day to day..
Oct 19, 2019