A Miracle Of The Mind Read Count : 169

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The moonglow crept into the room
A cascade of light behind a blanket of 
Eerie yet melancholy images
Reflected on the various items placed about- telling their own story of their place in my life

Like a visual autobiography 
Highlighting  significant moments 
Trial and tribulations encountered in  this drama we call “living”

Captivated -almost hypnotized -I sat frozen -reluctant to move in fear of
 loosing this surreal - fascinating 

Time seemed to stand still as memories raced across my mind 
Congering up recent and long forgotten 
pieces that made me “ME”

The entire adventure may have lasted 
five minutes incredibly capsulating 
eighty five years with the blink of an eye

I might have been dreaming but this was no subconscious tale
It was reality in a nutshell 
Never witnessed before - hoping to have it happen again


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    Oct 12, 2019

  • Oct 12, 2019

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