Different Worlds Read Count : 59

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Sitting here alone of course, places to go but only a few people I want to be around probably only a few I need around. everyone else just brings me down. can you see me now.. 

I've tried to help people the best I can but if they never help me then wtf do they expect. There are a few that appreciate everything and do whatever they can it just suck a cuz they all live in a different world then I am.

I miss my babies right now, but I don't think they could even save me.i try to keep the peace with everyone so I bite my tongue. I want another shot. Why can't they see I'm not tough enough

By the time they do it will be to late the booze and pills the needle in my vein all of them full of hate and pain. Taking the one thing that kept me alive. You said nothing would change! Lies your not her mom and dad, as my mom how could you do this to me? I hope you know how hard it is to hear her call you that and not get lit like him. But I guess he could do it if he loves her like I do.

Your supposed to comfort me in times like this and you helped rip my heart out to stand by him. Do you care what my precious angel thinks or how she feels or you to wrapped up in yourselves to see we both need help? 

Fuck it baby girl we will get through this together. I love you bubba nothing can break us as long as we stick together


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