He Drank Too Much Cough Syrup (Bad Trip)
Read Count : 161
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
Toni has been having a hellish couple weeks.he got fired from his job his girlfriend broke up with him his cat died andhe was low on food. With that beingsaid Toni had some down time so he drank two bottles of cough syrup and now i bet he wished he hadnt.Thursday night 3:43 am Toni lie happily in bed thinking colors high from the multiple cough syrups. Rainbows were falling from the ceilingwhen suddenly he heard a loud banging and choking sound coming from the living room, He got up to see what it was and to his surprise therewere two shadow men in the living room fighting.He observed with tears in his eyesOne guy had the other one in a chokehold and was punching him in the back.Toni being mortified gasped and thats when the shadow men heard him and made a made dash like Batman out the room,Toni ran like lightning into his dark bathroom and locked the door, He watched the door as Kenny G played the piano or at least it seemed like he played the pianoToni stared curiously at the dim lit beach and started to notice men made of brilliant neon maroon emerging from the water to the sand hand in handToni rubbed his eyes and ran out the bathroom into his large closet to his bedroomeverthing was normal there and thelight was on as he sat down and tried to regroup,. This cough syrup was making itself known very much so Toniwas becoming drowsy as he listened to harps play all around him. They soundedbeautiful. He opened his eyes and with confusion noticed that he was laying ina field a very large one and he was not alone. At the end of he field sat a green pink and blue cat drinking orange water. From a squids headHe stopped in his tracks. This wasn'tmaking any sense.He closed his eyes to regain his sanity. It took awhile buthe was observing stars burning thecolor gray spinning in front of him. Like a television with no channel on itHe then giggled opened his eyes and rushed to the kitchen. He needed aglass of water. As he poured his water Toni realized he couldnt handle the high and didnt want to be high anymore.He finished his water and pouredhimself another glass then headed to the backyard, He sat at his round table and watched the little girls in theirprayer circles carry out their siance. He drank too much cough syrup,By.Toni Watson
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