The Mind And Belief
Read Count : 144
Category : Notes/work
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NOTE: THESE ARE NOT PROVEN FACTS AND I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING OF THE MIND, THIS IS MORE OF WHAT I UNDERSTAND OF THE MIND, AND SPECULATION, THANK YOU So last night, I was in the shower and started thinking of my friend and her friend, and then I was thinking about some things they like, my friend likes werewolves and has always wanted to be one, while her friend wants to be a fox. So I thought of it and I wondered why those, and why they think that way......... then it hit me......... what if you CAN be anything u wanted? just took some time and belief. For example, if u wanted to be a vampire, the fact is you can file your teeth, come out only at night, and drink peoples blood, though the last one might not be good for you, who said vampires needed to drink it right there? take home the blood, boil it, freeze it, then have a blood smoothie, sound appetitizing? ya, no, though you might not be able to have strength and speed whenever you want, but you can train for speed, and for strength, well there are exoskeletons...... and steroids, and workout. But in the end, the idea i have that I'm so inthralled in is, u can be a regular human if you want, or imitate the hell out of the creatures you adore and becoming them, physically, and mentally....... but ig you could also call that insanity or mental illness, but remember what I said back up at the top. So now im done with these notes, but remember, be what you want to be, anything can do...
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