The Whole Truth Blog: Big Picture Read Count : 39

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Sub Category : Spirituality

 Ever ask yourself.. If God is love why is this world so corrupt? Have you ever thought about the fact that God cast Satan and a third of the angels (demons) to this earth, giving them rule and authority over Earth.. but then creates mankind and ask us not to sin. Or that if God knows all things, even before they happen..then when He created the angels in the beginning didn't God know that Satan would sin and cause the majority of mankind to go to hell, thus creating more bad than good.

   These are legit questions and concerns. But lets take this back to the beginning and find what the purpose of creation was in the first place. God was in Heaven and began creation out of love, so that other beings may join Him in paradise. God created the angels and they were in heaven with God but Satan and a third of them were cast out. So the first heaven wasn't perfect.. wasn't able to be the heaven of eternity for all of its inhabitants.. And we know that the ending goal is for mankind to go to heaven forever, never to be cast out and without the capability of sinning. You may wonder why God didn't nip it in the bud in the first place.. and just create beings to dwell in heaven forever at first. The answer is because He couldn't. You must understand that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.. All true, but God is also the truth and there is only one absolute truth. God doesn't decide whats right or wrong He just is. God's principles can never change and never be compromised. God is true righteousness. So that is why God didn't just create everything perfect in the beginning, He couldn't because it would violate the very principles He is forever characterized by.

   So in creating other beings He had to give us free will.. Without free will there is no soul, no real individual character. And no being at all. To dwell with God eternally you must have a soul. So in fact, He created us with free will. Now, God creating other beings would mean that He created 'not gods' ..anything God could create would not be God, there is only one. And God knew that with free will eventually evil would pop its ugly head up. So for God to begin creation with an eternal heaven on the agenda He would have to be able to defeat the fact that we are not Him. He would have to somehow overcome our free will for us. God to expect 'not gods' to be able to live forever in His holy presence is ridiculous.. of course. So how is this possible.. with the free will of 'not gods'? For one let me point out that we have no chance, it's not possible. God put us in a losing battle, seemingly. But of course God knows this.. and would have to give each soul the fair chance to enter heaven as opposed to hell. And the fact that we fall short of Gods perfect standards by default is not our fault. God is just, and would have to give us a fair chance without compromising our free will. So Satan being given rule over this earth and us being created to live here must have a purpose.. and since we know that ALL things work together for the good of those who love God it must be for our good. Satan can only do what God allows.. So for all things to work together for the good of those who love God.. this must be the key component in overcoming our free will. We go through temptations, trials and tribulations on this earth for our benefit. So that we can build the character necessary for our free will to seek a relationship with God.

   The bible says that the mystery hidden since the beginning of time but now revealed to us is Christ crucified.. the gospel. God had it planned from the beginning, He would overcome our 'not god' state by dying for us as a sacrifice and a free gift of salvation. So that the inevitable sin that separated us from God would be overcome by accepting salvation through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. So now it's not by works but by faith.. left up to works we all fall short, and of course because we are not God. The only way to give our free will a chance to overcome the 'not god' state was to give our free will the choice to accept Jesus.. thus giving us the Holy Spirit. God in us... In this process we are reconciled to God, and given eternal life in heaven.. might I add without the capability of sin and never to be cast out as the fallen angels were in the beginning. Heaven made eternal.

   Conclusion: basically that everything is the way it has to be to be Holy and it's all for our own good. All this earth is designed to do is reveal our deserved eternal state. Everyone in heaven or hell will be there by no defect in the system.. everyone will be exactly where they are supposed to be. God is just, God is love, God works all things for the good of those who love Him.


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