Can't Fall
Read Count : 152
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
We've been texting all weekend
You seem to be like the rest of them
I could feel the charm through the phone
And I can't go there
To the place that causes me to be a high school girl with a crush
I'm not that girl anymore
To the place that allowed me to feel
Because once I start to feel taht is it
I become all in
I start writing poems with your name
Your name isn't mentioned but you can tell it's about you
I start to listen to that lovey dovey music and my first thoughts go to you
See I can't go all in
I can't start to feel
When I start to feel everything changes
When I start to feel I forget to love myself
When I start to feel my heart falls to shambles
So I can't feel
So please don't make me
Don't throw charming lines at me
About how beautiful I am
Don't tell me you will never hurt me
Don't Don't you dare tell me you love me
I will not say it back
The easiest way to keep me from falling for you
Is to stay away from me
You don't want to fall for a poet
You don't want to fall for a hopeless romantic
You don't want to fall for someone with trust issues
And I don't want to fall for you
I can't fall for you
Because in the end
You are just another heart breaker