Value Of Time Read Count : 63

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
If you were to ask me, " What do I value and cherish the most?"  I would say, without any doubt, MY TIME.  Time could be defined as the measurement of events from past events or to future events. However, it is more than measurement. It is more than material treasures. One powerful skill a person could have is time management.
The richest person is the one that knows the value of time. The person  who don't want to waste his time from useless things. because he knew he can't take it back.
You could save money for your future needs but you can't save time for you to spend in the future. You can replenish your gold through hardwork but you can't refill your time once you spent it. Once you mistakenly spent your money for something less special, you can still work and buy what you missed. However, once you spent your time carelessly, you can't take back.
Thus, you should use it to things that makes you productive. Spent it to things that could mark your name to your lover's heart over time.
Nevertheless, time is quit mean. It speadily fades and you can't bargain. You can't complain but to act faster. It is short that you have to plan how to spend it, risking other activities. You can only plan for the future but you can't rewind the past and change what you've done. 
On the other hand, you are the master of your time and you can make a difference through it. You are the medium of the past to the future. You can't treat that pain you've done at the past through your time. Moreover, you can learn from the past to foresee the future. 
Don't spend your present being guilty of what you've done during the past or your future will suffer. Don't spend your present bragging or your future go backward at the time when you are still getting started. 
Learn how to value your time and you'll found yourself enjoying every seconds. Work but make sure your physical self won't suffer. Aim financial success but make sure you won't loss those who add meaning in your life.


  • Sep 15, 2019

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