Ella (Chp 2)
Read Count : 131
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
The next morning I ran to a store and got some food and water for me and the lady. I quickly grabbed the book and hurried to where I met the lady. "Hey, I brought you some more food." I said waving then sat next to her. "Thank you miss! By the way I'm Elizabeth. And you are?" she said then took a bite of her apple. "My name is Ella. Oh, and your eyes are a beautiful blue!" I said taking a sip from my cup of water. Elizabeth looked up at me and smiled. I took out some money and put it in her Tin cup for money. She looked at the cup then began to cry then smiled. "Hold fast to kindness!" she said then hugged me and cried more. I hugged her back. I heard many people behind me talk about good things about me, then soon I was known as the kind angel in the village. People began to call me Angel and Elizabeth got a small home and she got a job. "ELLA!" I heard Alex yell, and his footsteps running fast. I turned around then saw him running all happy, but he was in his prince uniform. "What is it Alex?" I asked in a soft and kind voice. I slowly put my bag on the ground then stood straight. "My parents have heard about you. They want to meet you right away! Angel." he said in an exhausted and excited voice. He smiled then ran into the stable and got Winters saddle and stuff on. I hopped on Winter then he hopped onto his big black horse and we made our horses walk the entire way. I stood at the entrance of the castle door and looked at it. I hesitated awhile then walked in and saw many beautiful things. "Wow!" I said spinning in circles, then stopped when I heard footsteps coming from the top of the staircase. I looked and it was the queen and king. I bowed then looked at them and had my soft and kind smile. "We have heard many good things about you Angel!" the queen said with a little smile. "Wow! You are more beautiful than gold! And you king. You are very handsome!" I said with a kind smile, and walked tword them. The queen now had a bigger smile. "I guess they are right. You are so kind, and beautiful!" the king said loosing the toughness and no emotion face. I bowed again and handed the queen a rose. "Why do you give me this beautiful rose? And with thorns?" the queen said trying to avoid the thorns. "The beautiful rose is as beautiful as you! And the thorns are the king for protecting the kingdom and you!" I said putting my arms behind me. The queen and king looked at the rose then looked at me with a tear in both of their eyes. "That is the most kind thing anyone has told us!" the queen said with a shaky voice and a tear falling down her cheek. They both walked tword me, then surprisingly gave me a hug. After all of that they walked me around the castle then gave me a nice meal I have ever had. Then I told them that I had to leave, and I walked winter instead on riding her. The next morning me and Elizabeth met where we met at first. Me and her would talk about interesting things that had happend that week. I told her how the queen and kings let me visit for a day, and she told me how much her life had changed. "Wow, that's amazing!" I said standing up and grabbing the basket and blanket we were having a picnic on. "By Ella. Hope to see you soon!" Elizabeth said smiling and waving bye. I took a walk and accidentally bumped into a mother of two daughters that were following her. "Watch where your going girl!" she said in a snotty tone. I picked up my stuff the hers and said sorry to her. "Mmm...would you like to be my paid? Ugly citizen!" she said twirling her loose red hair from her tight bun. "Now, that is no way to ask a lady to work for you! Must you try to be more kind and you might get someone to work for you miss!" I said still in a kind voice. "No! No young lady will tell me what not to do and what to do!" she said then scouled at me with a frown. "Well I need the money. I am running low. I would like to work as your maid!" I said putting my blanket around me because of the cold. I looked up and saw snowflakes falling from the sky, and I got this warm smile knowing what the beautiful winter is going to look like. The mean lady told me when to be there, gave me what to wear, and said how much money I would get. The next morning me and Elizabeth saw each other when I was on my way to work. She asked me to meet her around 6pm and that it was important. I nodded and said yes then made Winter run fast so I could get to work on time. "YOUR LATE!!!" she yelled in an angry tone and walked angrily to me. "Yes, I am." I said standing straight and putting my handing in my pocket. "And you have no excuse?" she asked looking surprised. Then she crossed her arms when I nodded then looked at the ground. She shoved me, then told me to clean. "Hey, you better get use to how she treats you!" a high pitch girly voice said cleaning the windows. I nodded then started to clean in a different spot. I looked at the time then ran to the door to leave until. "Where do you think your going?" the mean lady said crossing her arms and tapping her foot. "I have to meet a friend! When do I get paid?" I asked with half body outside and the other half peaking in. "Whatever! For you leaving early, you get paid less!" she said then punched me and shoved me into the cold snow. I rode Winter fast to the stable and I changed into the blue waterfall dress because ideas going to the ball that night around seven PM. "I'm here! I'm here!" I said running up to Elizabeth putting my book under my arm. "I'm getting married to this rich guy. He owns a really good shop down town, and he loves me dearly!" she said in excitement laughing. I smiled then gave her a hug, and we talked for a half an hour, then we walked to the ball. "Ella!" Alex said walking down the stairs, then gave me a hug. "Hi. You look nice!" I said grabbing the sides of my dress bowing. "You look beautiful!" he said then put his hand gently on my face then looked strangely at cinder ashes on my cheek. Then the two daughters if the mean lady came over and laughed. "Hahaha. You have cinder ashes on your face. Oh are you homeless? Haha. Your new name for us is...um...Cinderella! Hahaha" one with blonde shiny hair said holding onto her stomach laughing. I nervously looked at the ground then walked to the door until the mean lady stopped me. "Leaving so soon?" she said the ripped a piece of the dress. Then her daughters dumped water all over me. Then they ripped more and threw chocolate on me. I screamed then ran into the woods, then ran to a beautiful waterfall in the middle of nowhere. "Need me to help with that dress Angel?" a soft voice said behind me. I turned around and was amazed by the wings, wand, white beautiful hair, the dress, just everytbing about her was beautiful! "I am your fair godmother! And I was sent because of your kindness. It brought me here. You he led many people and u am here to help you!" she said then lifted her wand and made my dress look like it was brand new. "WOW! Thank you so much!" I said in excitement. We talked for a little then I went to my stable. I woke up the next morning seeing a lot of money in the stable. I smiled then later down. I left to go to the library to get a new book. And on the way there, the mean lady stopped me. "WHY ARENT YOU WORKING AT MY HOUSE!!??" she yelled in frustration. I just calmly to the library not saying a word to her and told her that I quit. Then I got distracted by horse hooves stomping on the street. I saw the guards heading towards the mean lady and told her that she was arrested for hurting me. Then my kindness kicked in. "No! She didn't! Go home!" I wisperd the last one to her. She stood there looking at me with a surprised face. She ran down the street heading to her house. I got my book then sat at the park reading. Many people asked if I was alright and I always said yes. "Are you ok?" I heard Alex's voice coming from beside me. "Yes! Why are you asking?" I asked putting the book down. "Because everyone saw what happend! And you have a bruise on your face and arm." he said sitting next to me. I pulled out a little mirror from my bag and looked. "Oh. Well I'm fine!" I said putting it away and standing up waving goodbye. He sat there on the bench watching me walk away without a word. Through the entire week I barely talked to anyone. Somehow something struck me that I've been kind to everyone bit no know helped me in return except for my fairy godmother. "Why am I here again?" I asked Winter curling up in a tight ball trying to get warm. I gave all my blankets and pillows to homeless people, and gave them food and money. "I think you were sent here to help the poor. Fill this town with kindness. You brightened this kingdom! You sparked light in the dark hearted!" Winter said wrapping her head around me keeping me warm. I smiled then cuddled into Winter and fell asleep. The next morning me and Winter went for a walk, and I felt this spark to show more kindness to light the dark hearted, and the first one on my list is the mean lady. I w rode Winter to her house and knocked on her door. "What do you want Cinderella?" she said in a snotty tone. She crossed her arms then glared at me. "Merry Christmas. And did you know that your daughters look like you?" I said holding a beautiful white winter rose behind me. "Yes!" She said still glaring at me. "Yes, that means they got the beauty from their mother. But no one can beat anything as beautiful as you! Men don't know what they are missing!" I said holding out the rose to her. She looked down at it then smirked. "Haha. You must be joking." she said now putting her hands on her waist. "No I am not! Trust in your heart and your sun shines forever. Hold fast to kindness!" I said smiling handing her the rose then left riding Winter fast. Then I heard a loud boom. "Who's there?" I asked making winter walk into the woods to the booming sound. "Chica stay back!" I strange voice said on a misty grey horse running fast. *BOOM*BOOM*BOOM*BOOM*BOOM* I screamed then fell off of Winter. Then I saw a man with a face mask shooting other men. End on chapter 2....to me continued
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