Keep Fighting: Chapter 3(Just Forget)
Read Count : 136
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
"Doe Kit! Come back to us!" Yowled Puddle Sky, a tear running down her cheek, Doe Paw looked in disgust. He Leaped on Puddle Sky "It's Doe Paw Now! Old Warrior!" Rasped Doe paw. Curling up his lip in Hatred. He began to dig his claws inside her Forehead and Blood began dripping, but he exposed his Underbelly and Puddle Sky quickly kicked him off with her hind legs. She Snarled at Doe Paw, but her eyes filled with Sorrow as Doe Paw got back up, "Doe Paw! You belong to The Stalker Group, not them!" She flicked her tail at the fighting Mist Group cats. Doe Paw leaped by her side and crouched, before Pushing her on her side, He began to Snap Words at her, "You are weak! I am strong! I belong here, MY MOTHER DOESN'T WANT ME!" Yowled Doe Paw right before pushing her to her side. Puddle Sky landed by some Free Mist Group cats, they all looked at Doe Paw and Yowls of happiness appear, they waited for the Apprentice to say something, all he said was "Kill Her," Doe Paw hold in Tears of guilt as the Cats started ripping her to shreds. Doe Paw shook his head 'Those were old times, those were the Stalker Group times... I belong here now' Doe Paw said in his head, for some reason, he doesn't care about his old Members dying now. He Lives with another group, The Mist Group! Doe Paw Leaped on another cat, it was just Bear Paw, Doe Paw rolled his eyes and began to Bite his neck like it was nothing. Bear Paw yowled, he stood still, hoping for any cat to help him. And Snake Glare came out of Nowhere! He Clawed Doe Paw's Eye, Doe Paw Yowled For help also, but Snake Glare Covered his mouth with his paws, he planted his jaws around Doe Paw's Neck, He snapped but Doe Paw rolled over. Big Hop and Pine Paw came to the Rescue. Big Hop Rammed his Massive body to Snake Glare's Body, Snake Glare tipped over and Landed Hard on the ground, Instead Pine Paw Planted His Jaws over her neck and snapped his teeth together, Blood Launched up to random faces, everything went silent. The Mist Group Stared in Happiness as The Stalker Group stared in Terror, Some Stalker Cat Pinned Doe Paw and broke the silence, "YOU KILLED SNAKE GLARE!" Said a random Stalker Group cat, oh, it's Brown Coat. Doe Paw kicked Him off with his hind legs, "He Was Weak anyway," He resumed "I didn't think he'll live anyway..." Doe Paw Grinned and Leaped on the Cat placed on the floor, "Time for you Now.." No Cat moved, Not even the cat, Brown Coat, even moved. He slowly dig his claws into the side of Brown coat's Muzzle and Planted his jaws on his neck slowly. Then he slowly bit, and halfway through the bite, he snapped his jaws on his neck. Blood dripping from his neck. Doe Paw Tipped his head up from the neck, every cat glaring at him. He smiled and said gently, "Who Else is up..." Every Stalker Group cat Unsheathed their claws and leaped directly towards Doe Paw. Doe Paw got ready to battle...
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