The Devils Demons Desires
Read Count : 175
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I'm so done living a life of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.I've ridden the might white ghost that only desires to devour the innocent, lost, and naive soul or its prey.I know first hand the evil that roams this earth. And the evil that spreads sickness into my insides.I cannot deny the demons that have attacked whatever light was in sight, their goal only to crush any hope.The evil hearts of substances, sneaking their way into your life and slowly putting out the resisting fight in you.Ive been fighting battles so vicious that I'm more scared of the world that is inside my head then the wars of earth.The devil can seem sneaky but it's you that has to give him your soul.I looked myself in the mirror and couldnt recognize the person staring back at me.My life had only just begun, the substances left me with no time to even run.Then it entered my black hole of a mind. Invading all my private thoughts and anything else that made me, me. In my head it used to be just me, but now there's always company, and it wants the old me to leave.My mind doesn't belong to me now , privacy is long gone. The Addiction feeds off of every single thing I think. There's no where to hide, the drugs are laced tight into all the deepest parts of my mind.I'm lathered in the type of gifts that you can only dream of, in exchange for them, I must agree to submit. Give up all of what I believe in and let drugs take me on a trip.I'm beaten down and broken, my war is never going to be over. I can't keep the darkness away for much longer. Now these drugs have taken hostage my brain.I change my mind but it's too late. It sneer at the fact that it had sealed my fate.It pounds the idea of hopeless and worthlessness deep into who I am.They're part of my identity now, despite the fact that I no longer know who I am.I thought I was running this show, that I was the one to call the shots. But in just one moment I realized I now bowed down before the substance that invaded, and addressed them now as my King.My life was still happening, even through all this sad, pathetic sob story of someone who didn't know how dangerous curiosity is for someone with a lost soul.The drugs are in total control and the end seems to be no where in sight. You give in and worship your new God, ignore all the warning alarms going off in your heart.Even through the stealing and crushing done to you by a mere white powder, some part inside of you grips on hysterically for dear life, not even knowing that your battles were not won by the Devils drug trapping device.You hit the bottom of the darkest pit you could ever even Imagine, your astounded that one could still be alive at this point in an addicts path of life.There's no light down here, your exhausted in every way imaginable. You don't want to fight, your not sure you can continue to survive at this point.You plead with your master, beg andGrovel with all of your might for it to help you get thru this pain or to mercy end your life.A bead of light shines down into your soul. A sudden fire and desire to live your life is reborn and suddenly all the misery and heartache you endured starts to fuel you. Your no longer incapacitated by the addictions ruling thumb over your life.Now it's up to you to choose to fight. Don't let the drugs take control of your life. The love from a drug is never real. Drugs will never leave you but if they stay in control all of your family will. There is no cure to this sickness but that doesn't mean there's no hope. Let that spark ignite inside you and go fight for your life.
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