Keep Fighting: Chapter 1(The Pain.) Read Count : 155

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
The Clans have been different, windclan turned into 'The Mist Group', Shadowclan turned into 'The Stalker Group', Thunderclan turned into 'The Gallant Group' and Riverclan is a whole other civilization, called 'Brook Hisssers'...I'm in The Stalker Group. A kit, waiting to become an apprentice. everything has changed since the Big Great Device destroyed half of the forest cats and there is Scarcely any prey. And it holds this kind of strange smoke in it..we call the smoke 'Drainer', because of its ability to weaken cats and deform them, Deform as in Changing its body parts or adding something, or worse...It also causes cannibalism. it's strange, but, for a kit like me, I heard a lot of Elder stories. It can kill the cat infected with it, at least, sometimes...
It can be scary, The deformed cats can Yap into My group anytime! Did I mention that there are even more groups? like 'The Bird Group' or 'The Fox Group', and- "Doe Kit! Get over here!" Snarled a Cat across a moor filled with rocks, cats, and dens. Doe Kit scrambled up and shuffled his paws towards the Cat as he was walking towards them. 'My mom, ugh!' Thought Doe Kit As he padded in front of the Cat, "Doe Kit, today is your Apprenticeship." The Cat licked Doe Kit's ears, "Mom! You don't have to Clean me! I can do it myself now," Mewed Doe Kit. Doe Kit met The cat's gaze, The cat nudged Doe kit "Go On and play with your denmates now," The cat Gently said To Doe kit, another cat voice rose "Olive Heart! come up and Eat food With me!" Yelped Another cat "I'll be there, Dark Tuft!" Answered Olive Heart. Doe kit
felt a chilling ripple down His spine, he ignored it since it didn't matter,
But something felt wrong...super wrong..he sniffed again, another group? wait..' Fox Dung!' Thought Doe kit as he recognized the scent of The Mist Group! they come to attack..he needed to run, but he felt a loud meow coming from the highrock, "There is an Attack coming! Queens, prepare yourself along with the warriors to fight, kits and elders must stay in the nursery for safety! And Medicine cats MUST be in the nursery with their kits and elders. "
It Was Red Star who had ordered the cats, Doe kit rushed to the nursery, peeking out for a glimpse of the battle getting ready to start, as he smelt through the gorse tunnel, it had all began...

He saw The Mist Group pad into the Leafy entrance from downward the Blank mountain.
Doe Kit Unsheathed his claws, excited to see the drama. Red Star flicked his tail, signaling the attack. All the cats attacked the Mist Group and Doe Kit caught his Mother, Olive Heart, on top of Another cat, the cat was Twice as big as Olive Heart, but Olive Heart was swift and fast, so fast that the other cat couldn't handle her swiftness. She quickly Bit at their hind leg as she got off the Warrior and sped behind them as they launched up. She Slashed at the face after
Leaping on the Back of her opponent and Leaping in front of them, She turned and then swiped at the cat, as she did she pin the cat again and bit their paw, it was against their chest so it was easy, but the great big tom Kicked the she-cat halfway across the moor.

Doe Kit was terrified and Squealed for his mother, but an Elder silenced him. He Heard a rustle Behind the Nursery, until- "I got the kits!" He said as he snatched Pine kit and others. and then another cat snatched Russet Kit and Doe Kit! The mist group came to retreat to the forest ground with the kits dangling from their mouths. The Elders tried to stop them, but it was too late, the Medicine cats tried also but, they had no luck as the elders had. Doe Kit squealed for help but it was too loud in the battling! he heard Olive heart. Yowling for her Kits, but there was no hope to be found, he felt his body drifting and dangling from the jaws of another group cat! he felt miserable and gave up, hoping for the best. He closed his eyes and let starclan led him to whatever mess
he was getting into.


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