Sand Castle Read Count : 92

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
You are with your significant other. You two had some vacation days, so you decided to go to the beach together. They looked so happy to stand on the edge of the mainland with you. 

You breathed in the scent of the ocean. 

Your take your significant other's hand and look at the sunset. Seagulls fly past you and disappear into the distance until they are tiny white dots in the never-ending sky. The wet, but warm sand squeezed in between your toes. You were content in this fleeting moment. 

 While you watch the night swallow the sun, you significant other decides to use the remaining light to help as they build a sand castle. They looked so concentrated as they gathered sand and built the walls. You could only watch in amusement as the castle walls fell again.  

After a few more tries, you notice people starting to leave the beach for the night.
You decide to lend your partner a hand and together you made something resembling a castle. Some of the walls had more sand than the other walls, but it was a solid structure. Your partner was content.  You two looked up at the Moon and sighed in content.

You two had just built a sand castle that did not resemble anything close to a traditional sandcastle, but it was your own. It was a combined effort between you two and there would never be another sand castle exactly like it. 

 Your partner turned to you and smiled. "This sand castle is kind of like us," they said. "It's built from both of our effort. The effort we put in together." They seemed pleased with your work.

 You looked at the sand castle and up at the silver diamonds that illuminated the sky. Your partner was right. It was built from combined effort and it could not have maintained itself with only one of you building. 

 That is what it meant to be together. You build, you disagree, and either build something better or build alone again. People are destined to be builders, sculptures of sand castles to come.  In this sense, you are a fulfilled builder and you will never build a sand castle alone again. 


  • Sep 23, 2019

  • Sep 23, 2019

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    Aug 16, 2020

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