Beware Trump $1 TRILLION Infrastructure Plan Read Count : 238

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
At first blush, So-Called President Trump's call for a $1 trillion infrastructure program seems like a great plan for our country on numerous levels. But we must remember that first a foremost, Trump is the quintessential con man. This becomes evident when we see that he wants part of the financial investment into public infrastructure to be from private, meaning "for profit" investors. This means pay tolls my friends. Picture this four years from now: you drive to Grandma's house using a 3 mile stretch of highway and you are charged $1.00 toll. You cross over a bridge and are charged $1.50. Same tolls on the way home. So $5.00 out of your pocket and into the pocket of one of Trump's investor buddies, most likely with some form of linkage to a Trump enterprise under a non-linkable name. Fat cats creating a never-ending cash generating machine built on public infrastructure and the backs of the American people. Hey Don the Con, pay for infrastructure improvement with our tax dollars that require no tolls and skip the con job. Do you really think we wouldn't realize your motives on this? We learned all about your business acumen from your Trump University, your unpaid contractors and your bankrupt casinos. Thanks but no thanks. Come up with an honest plan for infrastructure development that doesn't focus on unending cash flows for your cronies and you.



  • Mar 12, 2017

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