Love Yourself Read Count : 66

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation
Have you ever been bullied or teased for how you look or or what you like because I have I have been called a baby for playing with dolls at 12 years old I was called a crybaby for crying so much well I thought to myself everytime I look in the mirror I'm worthless I'm nothing nobody likes me and I should just die but I learned something no matter how babyish or weird or ugly you are perfect as you so don't let anyone tell you otherwise so yeah love yourself don't listen to mean people so yeah love you guys see you tomorrow.


  • Beng Ngoun

    Beng Ngoun

    ពេលអ្នកចូលគេង សុំយកក្តីបារម្មណ៍ទៅជាមួយ

    Oct 08, 2019

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