Binding Chains N Broken Hearts Read Count : 168

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Spirituality
      As I lay my head down to sleep I feel this deep emotion of sadness and oppression. Alone soaking in my thoughts, darkness surrounds, and anxiety is on alert. After losing my family years ago I went through hell. I went into isolation, seperation from family, friends, drug addictions, drinking, depression, mental disturbances, and lost in a world that I was not familiar with. 
       I never blamed God for my mistakes or life altering decisions but I remained faithful, hopeful, and trusted that he would save me from this nightmare that I have awaken too. Seven years almost and I have shared God's word with thise in need and made it my mission to expose the devil.
      I have been held captive, a victim of his own hands, a puppet, trickery, and manipulation were all at play. I was losing the game that I agreed to play just as we all have in one form or another. Clear out your closet and throw those skeletons away before it gets to full and breaks through the door. 
       Hearts have been broken and the devil has taken all that I love but I remain positive because I still have faith. Who wins in this scenario? I guess we will have to see. If you are reading this I truly hope that it makes you think about some of the decisions you have made in life that you now have regrets. Some get caught, some confess, but most just never find out about the shadow side that resides in each one of us. Don't let him take your joy or your happiness. You are to blessed to be stressed. I am blessed just for sharing my thoughts with you.


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