Why Am I Jealous?
Read Count : 87
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Someone please tell me why I feel jealous everytime I guy mentions a girl, wether they are complimenting a girl, talking to a girl, texting a girl.. just ANYTHING with a girl. Liek I don’t care I really don’t. It could be a complete stranger for all I care and here I am face like a smacked ass coz boozy Jake I stumbled into walking home told me tthat some random blonde bird he saw at Unit 7 was ‘proper fit’. I don’t know him. I have no relations to him at all but I feel so shitty in myself and insecure because he mentioned how another girl looks in front of my jealous face. I think it may be the lack of love I have for myself or because I don’t feel enough for people. I don’t no what it is but I wish I would snap out of it already I would hate for it to worsen. Imagine hating my mum because my dad called her ‘babe’ GET A GRIPPP!