Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
At first, humankind emerged from the unknown (The Fool, #0). Then, these multiplying, bumbling humans realized the strength of their will (The Magician, #1) to change their circumstances, the importance of intuition (The High Priestess, #2) to tell what’s true, the value of creativity (The Empress, #3) to populate the world, and the trickiness of reason (The Emperor, #4), being that it’s so important yet so hard to fully attain.
Tradition (The Hierophant, #5) taught these humans what had value, but choice (The Lover, #6) gave them the ability to select what they wanted for themselves. Humans rose up triumphant (The Chariot, #7) with their freedoms and felt determined (Strength, #8) to take on the ever-expanding world. However, with all these successes, humanity became more introspective (The Hermit, #9) regarding all those choices and paths not taken.
Humanity felt the true weight of all the passing changes (The Wheel of Fortune, #10) in their surrounding world and felt the need for true balance (Justice, #11). With this urge for balance, however, there was a need for sacrifice (The Hanged Man, #12) and a much-needed ending (Death, #13) to what no longer served the population.
In the end, initial adapting led to harmony (Temperance, #14) of cultures and was achieved to the benefit of all. Yet, addiction and obsession of material things (The Devil, #15) increased, along with their destructive forces, while our deep insights (The Tower, #16) into those losses were often ignored.
Still, some humans held firmly to hope (The Star, #17), while unmindful others were stuck in the same delusions and illusions (The Moon, #18) convinced that things didn’t need to change anymore.
Eventually, the truth became illuminated (The Sun, #19) for all to see, and awakenings (Judgment, #20) spread across the land. Spirituality woke up in the population, giving them the truest gift (The World, #21) of existence.
Ultimately, new humans were born with fresh innocence (The Fool, #22), despite their ancestors’ wrongs, continuing this cycle into the future.