A Meeting With Angels Read Count : 86

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
A meeting taking place by "Persons unknown"

who are They? what are They looking for? 

leaves many scratching Their heads, as to the BIG PICTURE.

hooded man: So do you have the Item?

Eugene: Yeah but Your going to have to find it first!

Williams: (hitting Eugene in the nose with the butt of His Rifle) Don't be a Smart Aleck, We just wanna know "Where" You've stashed the Item.

Eugene: I already told You its... Its in the Trunk, (nose now bleeding Eugene wipes off the blood with His sleeve) Aw, Man why'd You have to hit My nose You, You Pigs.

Hooded Man: Silence, who Hired you? And I want a truthful answer? No more playing Games, Dead men tell no tales and all that jazz, However alive ones work the Crowds! and that is where you wanna be Friend, Williams check the Trunk will You.

Williams: You bet Boss (Opening the trunk,rooting through it) Boss it isn't in Here he must be playing Us like fools.

Hooded man: (wallking with Hands behind his back) is Williams speaking truth? (now getting up close and personal to Eugene's face) Is this some kind of Game to You? (Grabbing Eugene around the Throat and lifting him off the ground) Do We look like People You want to be messing with Kid?

Eugene: Please sir, I told You everything You need to know, wanna get anywhere else You are going to have to find it Yourself, your going to kill me anyways my mouth is as good as shut!

Hooded Man: (letting go of Eugene's throat) well then My boy you leave me no Choice (pulling Eugene's hair back, revealing his neck and pulling a blade from his pocket) (the hooded man begins slowly piercing Eugene's neck)  

Eugene: Ah, if this is Your worse then Your a terrible Leader.

Hooded Man: Hush now with Your Venomous Tongue, else I cut it out and That's right My dear boy, let out a pitiful welp,  now must I do this abit more "Further in" (cutting the neck slightly deeper)

Eugene: I've already told You everything I know, You won't get information out of somebody who has nothing else to give!

Hooded Man: Fine, I was hoping I wouldn't have to dirty My beautiful floor with Your putridly horrid blood, but it looks like You aren't budging, so Williams I leave the dirty work to fall on You, after all a man of the throne can't be bothered dirtying his Garb with street urchins.

Williams: aye aye Boss, I'm gonna have me some fun with this one! hahaha 

(Williams pulls back Eugene's hair and slits His throat with a 7 inch blade), 

gurgling is Heard as Williams let's go of Eugene's hair and Eugene's face smashes against the Floor.

Hooded man: Clean up this Mess Williams and be quick about it, finding the item is all I care about, and when you're done take Eugene and His truck here to the Crusher, wouldn't want no Shadows trailing behind!

Williams: Right you are Sir, (muttering to Eugene's dead corpse) right then, shall I be careful, oh wait You're dead so You won't feel a thing hahaha

(after Williams walks away from the truck to put Eugene's body in the trunk, a white piece of Paper blows out, written on it the Password to a Place called "the cloister" which soon finds its way to a stranger)

Teaser: of what's to come!

A mysterious white paper, lands at the doorstep of an unknown, Door opens hand grabs said paper it reads 

"Box, in the cloister, Rosetta has the answer"

The Cloister appears to be a Strip Joint"
Bouncers at the door reveal what looks to be a counterfeit bill

Bouncer: what is this?

Pimp: it appears we've got owned

Bouncer: Why that Mother (Cocks Uzi Pistol)

Bouncers surround the door, Preparing to kick it in, 

kicked in the door screams and gunfire

The man who found the paper holds up an SD Card revealing it to contain the location of the Next Destination.


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