SATANOPEDIALOGY Well Done Read Count : 197

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Motivation

It is really strange to see some things really happening in this outlet. Don't know what would have made my friend SATANOPEDIALOGY to write those things but all his writings, poems and everything really speaks about his personality.

Though quite aggressive still a person too good with heart of truthness. Anyhow I personally thank him for his great efforts in encouraging me and my works both here as well as in webnovel.

It takes great courage to leave something acquired for a genuine cause and after reading his blog I felt, he has said things which is really missing in this place.

Even GOD loves people who have the courage to face problems and not to get rid of it. Even personally I had problems searching one of my fellow writer here few months before because of the lack of search bar for authors, finally after going back to my 32nd article I got him.

A developer should treat writers with respect because it is us who fill the developers website with stories, poems and articles. If a writer has a issue, instead of banishing him if the developer looks at his own fault and tries to correct it, it is he who is going to benefit not we writers. Anyhow best of luck for both the app and the developer.


  • help me to better my wring

    Aug 31, 2019

  • Aug 31, 2019

  • all hail SATAN!!!🖤🖤🖤

    Aug 31, 2019

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