Riffle Wind-lily Feather Read Count : 120

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Lily feather was the love of my life.      Warning- Violence and other stuff is in this!

Her eyes were sympathetic towards people.
She was not pitying them,but rather,encouraging people.
Her name was name wasn't lily feather but I liked it to be.

Riffle wind was a optimistic person.
He loved lots of things,but mainly me at most.
Though I have no idea what to do about it.
I find myself attracted to him too.
Though sometimes it's suffocating being in love.

Lily feather grabs the apple she was drooling over.
It matches her hair too.
She thanks the merchant and then we head off.
"Riffle wind, do you mind if you got me some of these items? I have the money for them too." She asked in a irresistible sweet tone.
I gladly accepted but wasn't to keen on using her money so I used mine.

I sent Riffle wind off to fetch some fruits and veggies.
I must get back to caring for Mrs. Pelina,she has a terrible fever.
Her husband was in the Knights gaurd and he is away.
Though he mustn't need the extra stress so I kept quiet.
Their baby is soon to be born, I hope this fever doesn't effect the baby.

"I bought all the food that you asked for m'lady." I said.
She giggled,"You don't have to call me that!" I chuckled.
"But a lady as beautiful as you must be royalty,right?"
We laughed. I was afraid though too.
She was very pretty,one of the prettiest ladies in the whole village.
Boys always are hitting on her so I stay by her side to ward them off.
"Who is the food for? You can't eat this much yourself." I asked.

"They are for Mrs. Pelina, she is very sick and I ought to have the responsibility of taking care of her and the baby." He nodded in acknowledgment towards the situation.
He told a joke to lighten up the mood. He had a cute quirky grin that I couldn't get my head off of.
His charms were good too.
He helped me with Pelina the rest of the day and did all my chores for me.
He doesn't give up does he?
"Mind the fire place, it's hot" I pointed out with the ladle I held.
He nodded and went into the kitchen.
He came back out with two bowls of delicious looking soup.
He handed one to me and one on the night stand next to Pelina.
I smiled and ate my soup,it tasted as good as it looked.

We had these cute nicknames for each other
It's based off when we first met.
A feather with lily petals blew past her,it was a moment I'll never forget.
I don't know why she named me riffle wind, ask her that,since there was a million other things she could've named me after,but I'll never know since it's her point of view.
I managed to get away from him.
He was pestering me more and more.
Annoying guy.
Mayors son.


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