Young And Foolish Read Count : 133

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
When I was young and foolish 
I wanted more to be 
I would imaginate and exaggerate
Good things that happened to me

It did boost my ego and impress all my friends
But with bad advice I paid the price 
This story doesn’t end 

From this charade the price I paid 
Has a two-fold lesson learned 
Truth comes out -reveals the lies 
Credibility’s seriously burned

The ego that I hoped would rise
Was spit back in my face
With no surprise my friends despised
I was a real disgrace 

I never played that game again 
I can still recall the pain
My first lesson in integrity -
My actions had nothing to gain 


  • . . . .......... i...erm... thank you....

    Sep 08, 2019

  • Sep 08, 2019

  • Simakando Ngubu

    Simakando Ngubu


    Sep 08, 2019

  • Learned a lesson did ya? Maybe someone else will as well. Xoxo

    Sep 09, 2019

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