Possessive Much?!: 1 Read Count : 194

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Attention Attention!!!! Timberlane from My other book Not Only Do The Devil Lie sister's name has changed. It was Natalee but now it is Lyric so I'm gone edit her name in Not Only Do The Devil Lie so please give me time to edit it and for all my other readers who want to know Not Only Do The Devil Lie is ON HOLD until I get this story caught up. Enjoy!!!!! 

The song Lyric is singing and dancing to is No love By August Alsina and Nikki!! And there go the picture of Lyric!!!!!! Enjoy!

~Not Edited~

Lyric's P.O.V.

"Let's just party till we can't ain't no loving me." I sang as I danced around in my blue and red bra and matching boy shorts. I swear this is my shit. Oh my god I'm so in love with this song. 

"Lyric!! Damn turn that shit off!" I heard my best friend Travis yell and it only made me smile. I walk into his room where him and his one night stand was laying down trying to sleep and climbed on the bed and then on top of him. 

"August you know I'm here to save you. Me and them girls we ain't the same boo. You know I hate it when you leave me. Cause you love it then you leave it but you know how much I need it." I sang in his ear. This in return made him smile in sleep.

"Bitch I'm trying to sleep." The whore next to him yelled at me but before I could say anything Travis pushed the bitch out of his bed. 

"Bitch you get the fuck out of my house. Last time I checked she lived here you didn't." He growled at her and I swear the look on his face was pure murder just like how my brother be looking when he pissed off. Shit it's scary as fuck. 

She scrambled around looking for her clothes and rushed out of his room, limping, and not even 8 seconds later I heard the front door slam shut. I couldn't stop my giggling rampage for shit. It was just that funny. "You're so mean." I giggled.

"Yeah whatever. These bitches want some of this dick they better respect my princess." He said pushing me off of him making me fall onto my back on the bed. I couldn't stop giggling. 

I roll my eyes when he got up, strutting his stuff, 8 pack on full display, just. like his tattoos and so was his cute butt. "Look at that booty!" I yell out and he turned around and arched an eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked and I swear I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You know what whatever. You love this ass just like all the other chicks." He said leaving me by myself on his bed. Then I remember he just fucked some hoe on it and I jumped up. 

"Aw! Fuck you Travis!" I yelled at him pissed.

"Hell I wondered when you were going to catch on." I roll my eyes when I walked into the kitchen. He was behind the island putting something on the stove. 

"Whatever. Can you please fix me some pancakes? Thank you." I said not waiting for an answer. I knew he was going to do it anyway. 

He was fin to say something but my song came on cutting him off. "I know you got all dressed up for the club." I said singing Trey songz Slow Motion. "Waiting on a nigga to come pick you up." 

The door bell rung and I danced over to it and answered it only to see it was Travis home boys. I roll my eyes at them when their eyes trailed up and down my body. "Damn." I heard them muttered.

"If you want to keep your eyes I suggest you get yo ass over here." I heard Travis yell making them jump and me laugh. Their eyes snap over to Travis who was still stand behind the Island cooking my pancakes. Yay!! They rush over to Travis and sit down. "Princess go put some clothes on."

I roll my eyes and make my way to the back but stop and slowly make my way to the floor. "Slow Motion." I sing and the third one in my reach fell out of his chair. Aw hell nah. Did that nigga just faint? 

Travis gives me a hard look and I took that as a sign to get some clothes on my ass. "I'm going." I giggle and make my way to my room and put on my blue booty shorts and a red crop top. 

I make my way back into the kitchen only to see the nigga that fainted holding his head. I smile and walk over to him. "Are you okay? It looks like you hit the floor pretty hard." 

He looks at me and started stuttering. "D-d-damn I-I-I'm fine... Fuck you're hot." He groan and the other guys nod in agreement. 

"Shut the fuck up." Travis simply said shutting him up.

I walk around the island and kiss Travis on the cheek before taking my pancakes out of his hands. "Thanks luv. You rock." I said and just to test it out I bit into one and moaned, as my eyes shut tight enjoying the wonderful taste of the buttery pancakes. 

I heard a loud thump and then an 'aw shit'. My eyes snapped open and only to see all of the guys were gone. I frown at Travis who was shaking his head in the direction of where they were just sitting. I put my pancakes down and lean over the island and I burst into fits of giggles. There they were all four of them laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling in a daze.

Shaking my head I syrup up my pancakes and take them into my room but not before stepping over the guys. As soon as I made it in my room and was just about to eat my pancakes my phone rung and I groaned in frustrated. 

I look at the caller ID only to see it was my homie Dylan. "Dylan!!" I screamed into the phone. "Hey luv!" 

"Hey bae!" She screamed into the phone. "What you doing?"

"Eating pancakes."

"Same." She said. "I had to beg Timberlane to make me some. And how about he took one of the three he cooked me. Punk." She said making me laugh.

"Yes my brother is an ass." 

"Yeah but he's my ass." She said making me smile at that. Her and Timberlane are so cute together. They adore each other and for some reason it make me jealous. 

"Y'all are so cute." I whisper. 

"Don't do that." She said snapping me out of my sad mode. Almost. "You gone fine somebody to love you I promise. And when you do their going to hold onto you because you're a keeper. You hear me?" She asked. 

"Yeah... I hear you but...Dylan I'm holding on to my virginity like my mama told me you know. She told me to hold on to it until I meet the perfect guy you know what I mean?"

"Yeah I know what you mean. But it just takes time sweet heart. But don't go too fast we don't want Timberlane busting a nigga up." We both busted out laughing at that. 

"Girl yes I know what you mean." I pause for a minute. "Hey Dylan.... Let's go out tonight."

Silence. Then after that silence. 

"Hello?" I asked.

"Girl hell nah!" She shouted into my ear. 

"Why not?" I whined.

"Cause if you haven't notice you are crazy as hell and I don't need to go to a club with you because you will act up and Timberlane will kill me point blank. So I repeat hell nah."

I roll my eyes. " Pleaseeeee. Timberlane have to leave anyway today. I'll have you back before he comes home. I promise."

"Yeahhh no." 

"Look if he come back early I'll tell him it was my idea okay?"

"Yeah okay." She said.

"For Real?"

"Fuck nah." She said which shocked the shit out of me. She never cuss in English. Damn this nigga scared of Timberlane. That's on the real.

"Fine then. You're no fun. I'll just ask Travis."

"Lyr-" I hang up the phone before she can get another word out and look down at my pancakes and noticed they were gone. What the fuck!?! I look down and that's when I notice Tiger, Travis dog sitting on its behind licking its muzzle. 

"Tiger!" I groaned. "Why!!?? I really wanted them." 

He lick my foot and I pet my baby. I couldn't be mad at him for long buttttttt I'm fin to act upset. I make myself cry and grab my plate. "Come on baby." I whispered to Tiger as I make my way into the living room where Travis and his boys were talking about something. "Travie!" I cried and his head snapped up.

He saw the tears running down my face and he jumped up walking over to me. He had on some pants now but of course his shirt was still AWOL. "What's wrong princess? What happened?" He asked looking over my body for scars. "Did Jamal call you or something? What did he say?" He was getting pissed now.

Jamal, is my ex-boyfriend who in the past use to beat the shit out of me every waking moment. But I left him and moved back in with Travis and well he left me alone because he ain't crazy enough to step to Travis. He better be happy Timberlane don't know anything about what went down.

I shake my head. "No!" I said sobbing. 

"What's wrong princess. Did somebody say something to you? What happen?" He asked still searching my body for any sign of abuse.

"Tiger." I cried. 

"Tiger what? Did he bite you??! What the fuck! " He turns his attention to Tiger and started to take his belt off. "Tiger you know better!" he yelled causing Tiger to cower away from him.

My eyes widen and I grabbed his arm. "He ate my pancakes!"

He stopped and looked at me for a minute. "He ate yo pancakes? What the fuck Lyric?! I thought he bit yo ass for real. I mea-" He went on and on and I swear I wasn't faking anymore. I was crying for real now. Hell I'm sensitive as fuck.

He notice I was crying hard now and he quickly picked me up and put me on top of the island. His friends were just looking at us not knowing what to do. "No no no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap on you. It's okay please stop crying I'll give you anything you want. Just please stop crying." He kept wiping my tears away. 

"Anything?" I asked looking up at him.

"Anything princess." He answered which made me smile. And me smiling made him smile.

"Well then for one you can cook me some more pancakes and second you can take me out tonight."

"Okay.... Where would you like to go?" He asked me still wiping my face dry.

"I want to go to a club." I whispered looking down. Silences filled the room and for a minute I thought everybody had left which is why I looked up only to look back down. Travis was glaring at me so hard. 

"Why?" He growled.

"I want to get out and have fun." I simply said, looking up.

He looked at me for a minute as if he was debating with himself on whether to take me to a club or not. It looked like he was fin to say no. "Travie pleaseeeee. I'll be good and I'll stay with you at all times."

He sigh. "Fine. But I swear if you leave my side I'm gone lock yo ass up in this house for a fucking week. You hear me?"

I nod my head. "Noted." I knew he meant it when he said it. He meant business when it came to me. So I knew not to play with him about wondering off.

"Aight. Listen no tight dresses or any shit like that."

"Aw Travis hell nah. Okay how about this.... I wear a dress but I want wear a tight one." I offered.

He narrows his eyes at me and I give him an innocent smile. "Fine. But don't try any shit lyr. I'm dead fucking serious." 

"I want! I promise!" I kiss his cheek before holding on to his shoulder so I could hop my short ass off of the island. Don't laugh when I tell you I'm shorter than my nigga Dylan because the shit ain't funny. That's why I wear heels all the time.

"Dude she gets her way with you don't it." I heard his boys joke. 

"Mane you have no fucking idea." He groaned. 


A/N: Alright that's the first chapter!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!!!! There will be more stuff going on so hold on to your seat and wait for all the exclusive ish to happen. Tell me what you would like to happen. Well that's it for today I'm finna go chill and watch teen wolf like a motherfudge cake. You are welcome to join me just on your own TV!!! Lol piece out I look forward to what you have to say about my new book.





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    Danna Villarreal


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