The Stranger Read Count : 123

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
I was walking home until a loud crunch come from behind me, so stopped and turned around to see a man holding his phone saying " Do you have snap, insta, or maybe I can get your number?" I told him " No. I can't do that. You see I dont know you very well, and---" that's when he cut me off. " Maybe I could come over at your place?" I didn't understand. Couldn't he have called me when I was at the park earlier? " No. I have to get home." but the guy just wouldn't let me!

" Alright..." he said with a low tone. I tried to get a glimpse of him but the light's on the street wouldn't turn on until 7:30. I started to walk until I heard HIS footsteps! " Uhmm ... What are you doing?" I was getting nervous. "Im making sure that you get home safely..."  WHAT?! Like he was a 20 years old and Im a 16 Year old Teenage GIRL! " Oh no! You don't have to! My boyfriend's waiting for me at my house..." it was true and when he was turned around I texted my boyfriend Sampai and told him to come pick me up. " Is that so?" he asked. 
" Y-yes..." that's when Sampai's car came onto the rear. " Uhm I have to go.."  I was so happy that Sampai was here! Sampai got out of the car with a taser in his pocket and a flashlight in the other. That's when this guy took out a bat and started swinging it! Sampai dropped the flashlight and took out his taser. I called 911 and told them everything. Luckily, God was on our side, and the police were only 2 minutes away. When they came they asked a few questions and after that they us go. But i still get chills when i walk home. So now i walk with Sampai or a friend.

( btw this story was made up so I'll explain. Sampai is Myjestic's boyfriend in my head. And yes Myjestic was the one in the situation.Stay tuned for more Creepy chillers...😈


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