Now All Alone 4 Real Read Count : 166

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
'05 I lost my mama
'15 I lost my papa dad
'16 I lost my sister
O, I was so sad
12/16 I lost my dog
Of 15 years
I could hardly stand it
I was beyond tears
Christmas that next year
Florida was the calling
So my best friend moved
It was almost to much
I couldn't be soothed
On New Year's Day '18
I lost 2 more
What next
What more
It was abore
January 2 same new year
My old fishing pal
My friend
My dear
Too Tall Paul
Deep vein thrombosis
Had nearly taken it all
Lost his job
His house too
Then his truck
What was he to do 
He slept in the park
In Kansas's freezing cold
His backpack was gone
Theives so bold
Xarelto was in it
He couldn't last long
Doctors wouldn't
Replace the meds
That day after a meeting
He gave me the skoop
I said
O, hell no, you're
Coming with me
To my stoop
Little did I know
It would soon be 3
Later that day
To Grace Med we went 
That day
The news we got
We were nearly spent
Metastatic liver cancer
Our eyes grew wide
How long
We asked
Could not abide
The 6th came fast
O, in such pain
But he insisted on this
Before we go
A meeting was 1st
Prayers were said
Then to E.R.
For pain meds
2 shots of  Fentanyl
Toradol too
Couldn't touch the pain
This was too crazy
Too fast
So insane
The pain on his face
Still remains in my brain
It racked him
Oncology floor
St. Francis downtown
Morphine was given there
Pain subsided
But he was not aware
He made me P.O.A.
Living Will a must
Last wished discussed
This was my best friend
This was trust
The 10th came around
His heart started to fail
M.I.C.U. his next stop
My heart was in despair
My mind deep in thought
Too Tall Paul finally
Slept, I was there
No pain at last
I said the Lord's Prayer
Go home did I dare?
Insomnia took its toll
January 11th my
Heart's bleak
Desolate naked soul
Laying bare
Then "The Call'
3:42 AM come now
His time draws nigh
Bradycardia is there
Quickly dressing
To go
Eternal winter's cold
Wrapped up in ice
I arrive no time to spare
Kiss him three times
Up to 8th floor
Hospice care
But before we arrive
His heart stopped
And he died
So stunned
Can't cry
Hardly had time
To say goodbye
Vale amor meus
Skin and bones
I'm a shell
My soul is not well
2 months to the day
Motercycle wreck
Took away
A young "daughter"
O, I loved her
Can't stand
Can't feel
Trapped in the surreal
I had a great breakdown
Saying goodbye to her
All in my inner circle
Are gone
Life seems so wrong
What do you do
Black hole in my gut feeling
Sucks  for air
Takes everything
Including light
What can I do
Such a fright
God has gone
I have lost my sight
O can't see
All alone for real
What a deal


  • Sep 05, 2019

  • Wow ... Thats alot to have to bear.. im sorry that all the people you loved has departed.. But if you think like I do you got yourself one heck of a troop.. God bless you xoxo

    Sep 15, 2019

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