Ghost Eye (part 1) Read Count : 163

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

The Voice

I got sick of hearing "Boo!" Behind me in the middle of the night.

"Hehe..." The voice sneaks into my ear. I gave up a big sigh. It's hard to ignore it.

Me: Luckily, I can't punch your face, otherwise you may die before 911 could arrive.

The annoying voice: Wha- DID YOH HEARD ME?!

Me: Duh, why would I answer you if I can't hear you?

I turn around and saw a boy floating next to my bed.

Oh my lord, why this boy here? A female or older male is good for me.

Me: Look, I am really tired, I need to sleep. Can you go away?

Boy: But I will be boring.

Me: Keep you busy will be boring for me either. BYE.

I once again turn around faces wall and fall asleep quickly before this boy could bother me again.


  • 👏👏👏i luv dis continue writing meh gurl🙃

    Sep 04, 2019

  • Clara  Talbot

    Clara Talbot

    I LUV THIS. keep writing for me and RaineeHooper666

    Sep 04, 2019

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