Finally Finding Her
Read Count : 124
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I'm adopted
I have always known
Questions asked
So all alone
Y's & what 4's
Wuz it just a
I don't want nothin'
I don't wanna take
Who do I look like
Y am I small
R U big
R U tall
Wat R UR
I'd like 2 know them all...
But medical history
@ least a must
More than that
I won't fuss
I can dream & hope
Friends we could B
We could have so much
Can't U C
So I call directory assistance
& find U there
Then I sit 4 long time
N my chair
Should I call
Should I wait
Suspense is mine
This I cannot escape
Do I pen a letter from
Me 2 U
& hope it's not found
By someone who
Doesn't know about me
Doesn't know about U
Would it preclude
Relationship N life
Or R love
Or B a blessing
From above
I'd just like know U
Could U give that chance
O, if U would
Then I will dance
So many questions