Ex Nihilo?
Read Count : 94
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
yes, dinky-do...
wuz d universe created ex nihilo?
not exactly, my sweet.
well, then wat?
it wuz a word.
wat word?
hot dog.
hot dog? huh? squeeked dinky-do!
well, mayB not hot dog...
o, k, maurice, quit kiddN.
it wuz a word, I'm juz not sure which word.
o, k, i c.
i think it wuz d word lite, so u can c.
ah, & is that wat we call day?
um,hum & n it's shadow is nite.
k. so where do day & nite exist!
under d sky, of course!
o, k, i c. & wat else exists under d sky?
water? o, but i can't swim!
it's k, dinky-do, there's also earth.
o, u mean dry land?
ah, yes, my sweet.
y dry land?
fruits & vegetables.
yes, fruits & vegetables, they had 2 have a place 2 grow.
but y?
so u can have bananas on ur cereal, o.j. & milk 2 drink 4 breakfast.
milk? where does that cum n?
o, dear, back up.
u need fruits & vegetables 4 d cows 2 eat.
uh, huh, cows. dats where milk cums from.
how'd cows cum n?
after fruits & vegetables there had 2 b sumthing 2 eat these things, so there waz cows.
on d dry land earth?
not n d water?
no & d water's called d sea.
no, silly, sea, s-e-a, not c, like d day let me c u.
i c, sea!
confusion, huh, dinky-do?
yeah. & wat about d sea?
sea monsters.
o, dear, o, dear! n d sea?
uh huh, n d sea.
& wat r they called?
leviathan, my dear dinky-do, leviathan.
& wat do they eat?
they eat u!
o, k, now u c y i don't swim.
yeah, good idea.
yes, maurice, i think so...
me 2.
all rite. so, let me get this straight, pleeze, there wuz nothing, but not exactly nothing bcuz there wuz a word, lite, & d lite existed under d sky & n d shadow of d lite wuz nite...
ya, so far so good, my sweet.
thank u...k, now, under d sky's earth & d sea, & n d sea
leviathan, on d earth fruits, vegetables, & cows.
o, yes, & much more!
tell me, tell me!
it's almost 2nite, 2 much 2 tell n wats left of 2day.
k, then 2morrow?
o, but 2morrow's just byond d perimeter of reality, my dear!
o, i c...n quantum reality, maurice?
ndeed, dinky-do, my sweet. n quantum reality, ndeed.