A Commentary: Food 4 Thought Read Count : 112

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
The Phenomenon of Selective Amnesia
My indulging N the shit yesterday resulted in the absolute knowledge that it is the morning after the nite B4. All of the unpleasant consequences of using the shit yesterday, felt 2day, will B needed 2 avoid repeated experiences. However, I don't seem 2 B able 2 play the tape all the way through. I suffer from the Phenomenon of Selective Amnesia. 2 justify & allow me to use the shit again, the self-serving self-defeating incomplete information of a half-truth memory is utilized by this phenomenon when expediently deployed. It's fundamental function is 2 obliterate available recall 2 any memory that has any inkling of the negative results of my using the shit. This is selective amnesia @ work N full bloom. This powerful fraudulent phenomenon is the Crux of Addiction Behavior. Not playing the tape all the way through. Selective Amnesia, yeah, that's the ticket!!


  • Nov 02, 2019

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