The Rise Of Ecliptic Melody...
Read Count : 92
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Thriller
*sobs silently*Why...?Why did I just kill someone?I'm such a monster...Why....Rainee...Shut Up slendy!It's alright... It was just an accident...'Just an accident?!'I ATE A GUY SLENDY!!!I eat children før a living...Not helping...*Sigh...Løøk child...It's alright...It's just øne persøn.....(looks up )(Slaps Slenderman across the face)Just one person my ass...Øw...You slap hard!Shut up or I'll do it again!Sørry...Wøuld yøu like me tø give yøu søme time aløne..?Y-...no...I want to stay here with you...Alright child...I wønt gø.Thanks Slendy...Nø, thank yøu...Sø...dø yøu want help dispøsing the bødy..?..sure, why not!Well then, let's get tø it!-after disposing the body-Child..Ye slender..?Høw wøuld yøu feel abøut being my prøxy..?*Gasp*Really?!Yes.Of course!Alright then, can yøu give me yøur hand child?Ok...Nøw høld still, this will ønly hurt før a secønd...Ok.(Carvs an x and a circle in her hand)There, døne!Woah!The symbol...Yes.Før it is indeed sømething tø cherish...Hm....We shøuld give yøu a new name..A new name...?Yes.Hmm...(Looks at moon and sees red...)My name is...(Hears a melectic voice...)Ecliptic Melody...