Be Creative
Read Count : 96
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I love to be creative. Because I can imagine a lot of things and never have a writer or artist block!....Well...More like rare rather than "never".Sometimes, I ask myself: " Why I face a writer or artist block even if I have so many ideas?"I must admit, my ideas sometimes strange or rather embarrassing that I can't bear to share it.But this not only one reason. I also have another reason.My grammar and art style.English is not my first language. So I have a hard time to correct my grammar or find words in the story. Be honest with you, my stories will be much better if the main character tells his/her story rather than I tell their story.I love to draw so much that I really want to practice my skill. Problem is I can't draw male, young female, and an older female. Yes, I only draw a teenager girl.A teenager girl...There. Two reasons why I sometimes face a writer and artist block even if I am creative.How I can solve my problems?
- Use my native language
- Practice on my grammar and arts.
- Feedback from readers and people who know how to draw better than me.
- ...............being creative...............