Try Not To Cry Challenge! Miss Wanna Die🖤🖤🖤 By Shinalati Chan (English Cover)
Read Count : 121
Category : Songs
Sub Category : Reggae
Awake I opened my eyes to see,A hospital so white and clean,I was walking up to the roof I think,Then can't recall at all a singe thing...Held a hand for me you were there,I know,But couldn't reach the me,That would fall down all the time,But stand and reach my hand to see...HAVE YOU TRIED CROSSING OVER YET?!I WANNA DIEWANNA DIEBut don't really wanna die...You were there you would care,Making me aware.EVERY SCAR,ALL THE BLOOD,MORE AND MORE THEY'RE NEVER DONE,Not enoughNot enough!I WANNA DIEWANNA DIEBut, don't really wanna die...If I died, you would cryAnd I don't know why...EVERY SCAR, ALL THE BLOOD,MORE AND MORE THEY'RE NEVER DONE.not enough.NOT ENOUGH!