Banning The Press Read Count : 198

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Hard to believe so-called President Trump banned CNN, NY Times, Politico & LA Times from the west wing press confetence today. Glad to see that Time & the AP refused to attend in protest. Now we need every news outlet to follow thru and refuse to cover any news conference where any news agency is blocked. His ego will force him to cave if no one is watching him or his surogates.
Where is the institutional outrage? Why isn't everyone in government who has sworn to uphold the constitution demanding that this stop? I obtain my news from CNN so Fake President is blocking my access to coverage of his insane clown show. As asinine as Trump is, I need to keep tabs on him. I believe he is trying to destroy our republic. God save America.


  • Mar 12, 2017

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