Two Split Lives.. Read Count : 152

Category : Notes/work

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Uspoken and earth flesh life,so very complicated at times for me..understanding what my job here in flesh means but to live ETERNITY in paradise no more sorrow or pain..unspokens = lost souls sum not so lost as the others i will never really no until that final hour of brimstone and hell opening up and abba comes and sets judgement on us..i can honestly say father i did try everyday..and most of the time they laugh and turn it in sum crafty game.which i want no part of period.i will never forget the day i heard all of you screaming for your life why you choose it to go down with ur maker of darkness of evil and wicked so why scream. Is it hot down there i will never no and dont want to find out.. did u take ur childern along with you? Good that means thats who u wanted to be devil and his childern..difference is my maker is DIFFENTLY not the same as yours,creator god ,abba is mine.forgiving and understanding full of love and a gold thrown.draped out in his white robe hair pure as snow..and gate opens to a street of gold and angels coming to greet u in of many mansions and father and many happy people waiting to c the new arrival...mean while the fallen angels whom the smart elic people love the one's whom cant hold there thots or tongue's.. doing a well job to get to were ur from.dont say i didnt try to help you out from going to that horrible place of BURNING and screaming of friends your childern or the man u chose instead of God..burning for eternity there will be no let up or no time for being dancing and dranked up downing me anymore.or mocking or being evil or wicked towards me wont have time for any of that..or to anyone else.mean while i tried to tell ya .i be in heaven eating fresh fruits off of the vine yards that are promised like i did read for myself to help save you and i .knowledge but did i save at least one person speaking thru my soul? Or did u use me to try and get ahead? Cant use the tree of knowledge of good and evil,silly ones i tried to explain everything to you all as i learned and study at first i tried to trick the whole world into a game to get your attentions.ITS been me this whole time watching lives come and go cars break down or the out come of the weather.singing and dancing praising my father abba no matter how mad you may had made me..when you didnt stop to leson or believe thats not my fault oh well sorry you didnt succeed at the end of the game of life.GOD WINS AND SATAN NEVER WILL.HE JUST TOOK SUM TO GO DOWN WITH HIM..I HOPE YOU WILL CHANGE UR UGLY ATTITUDES TOWARDS FLESH AND IN YOUR HEAD ETHIER WAY GOD OR ME CAN HEAR AND SATAN ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE OF THIS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT YOU AND I.. HE DONT WANT U TO DIE IN PEACE OR GO TO HEAVEN MUCHLESS BUT TO KEEP MISSING WITH ME FOR HIM .I APPAULLED YOU ALL YOUR DOING A SWELL JOB.. REPENT AND PRAYTHATS ALL I MUST SAY.. AT LEAST MY CREATOR LOVES ME AND DONT CAUSE HURT OR PAIN.HE LOVES EACH ONE ITS JUST UP TO YOU NOW..


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