A To Z Is What Your Love Means To Me Read Count : 156

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Another day and another fit.
B group is where you sit.
Collecting my thoughts on a sheet of paper.
Driving myself crazy and doing myself no favors.
Eventually we became friendly
Forever and ever is what you meant to me.
Going from friends to lovers is a task.
Hurrying on a day where our best day is the last.
Introvert is what I am Extrovert is what I became.
Jealous is the name that starts the pain.
Knowing you would come back, kept me from slipping.
Loving you is what kept me gripping 
Money or sex is not important
Needing you in my life is probably more than
Open season on my heart.
Patience is letting every one play a part.
Questioning your position was not my intention.
Resetting is my skill.
Separation it kills.
Time is precious and so are you
Understand bad things happen I don't know what I would do.
Virgin to nothing wanting to be a pro at something.
Waiting for the end to my lover and my friend
Xpecting nothing waiting for time to begin again.
Yesterday we laugh and joke without an false word we spoke.
Zealous not jealous don't tell us to repel us from being woke.


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