Dear Addict... Read Count : 161

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Dear addict...
You hid it all so well
And for a long time nobody could even tell
But when we found out we just wanted to yell
You started to go downhill real fast, you started to fail.
We were all afraid you'd end up in a prison cell.
So we took it into our own hands picking you up everytime you fell.
But it just became too much, it was like a nightmare in Hell.
We tried to help you get clean but all you did was rebel.
You were too far into this curse, stuck in this spell.

Take a look around you
Do you see what these things do?
They're destroying your life, and your family's too
But you don't seem to understand, you won't get the clue
Let's take a step back, let's put your life in review.

Maybe you got a kid
And for awhile all this stuff you hid
But they discovered what you did
So you told them you'd stop and all of this stuff you would rid
And for awhile you did good, you stayed off the grid
But life became too much and so back down you slid
And all they could do is watch as out of control you started to skid
Stop and take a look, do you see what you did...
You hurt YOUR KID

Is that not more than enough
To make you want to quit this stuff
You just give me excuses and tell me your life is rough
You say I wouldn't understand but I'm calling you out on your bluff!
I do understand that life gets tough
But that excuse just isn't enough

Maybe you don't have a kid, let's take another look..
At just how deep these drugs have you on the hook
lets look at how much of your life they have took

Your happiness,family, and money are being erased
And it's only just begun, this is just a taste
There's so much more in your future that you have to face
I wish you would get clean and do it with haste
Before more of your life goes to waste

These drugs will lie to you!
They'll tell you anything you want to hear and you'll believe its true
But let me give you a reality check, you'll lose everything you once knew
See it through my eyes, my perspective and my view.


  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    A very complete detailed outline of the Progression of addiction and it’s impact on friends and family as well as the addict 🦋cleverly written 🦋I felt The rhyming was s but forced but it takes Nothing away from this wonderful piece 🦋outstanding 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Aug 04, 2019

  • sounds like this is real for you, something you want to say to someone, more than just a narrative. you should tell that person EVERYTHING that might help

    Aug 29, 2020

  • Dec 22, 2021

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