A Different Kind Of Sadness
Read Count : 116
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
There’s a certain kind of sadnessWhen s celebrity diesA certain kind of celebrityThat I did idolizeIt was their gifted talentsThat thrilled me through the yearsFrom all fields of endeavorWhen they passed I shed no tearsThey were not family membersOr friend relationshipsBut to their talent I connected -Impressive significant giftsThey were writers and actors and singers galorePoets and athletes some I adoredMany a joy I shared with my wifePart of the fabric that helped enhancelifeThe are missed- though their work carries onThrough tapes and recordingsThey’ll never be goneThe other sad thing only consciousto someWhen you live many years you consider the sumThese wonderful artists faded and diedMy years too are fadingNo sadness to hide