Summing Up
Read Count : 153
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
In all the years we’ve been togetherThrough clear and stormy weatherOne constant is trueI’ve always loved youI haven’t said it oftenBut it’s present in my heartI’ll take the blame for this oneIt’s not to late to startThe past few years have been for meA brutal look at lifeI’m a shadow of I once wasStruggling through the strifeWith the time I have remainingWith my future quite unclearMy apology for complainingI feared the end was nearI grateful that I have youYou’ve been there at my worstI’ve not expressed my love for youIt was a stupid choiceI’m trying to be strong at timesBut go through painful daytAnd through it all you’ve stood by meWith all my angry waysI don’t know what the funny holdsOr how long I’ll be hereAnd with my heartfelt love for youI’m blessed to have you near