The Water Queens Daughter (Chp 1) Read Count : 166

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
      I love my mother and father Queen Crystal and King Adam. They tell the best bed time stories! Although they stopped when I turned 15 years old. I loved to be barefoot like my mother but she started to wear shoes. Me and father like to sword fight when mother isn't looking, otherwise she gets angry. 
      "Mother! Mother! Mother!" I yelled running down the hallway to my mother coming back from a trip. It was my 15th birthday and I was excited. 
       "Dear Isabelle. Please stay quiet!" she said walking down the hallway. 
      "Mother! You forgot didn't you?" I said then looked at the ground dropping my diary.
       "Forget what my dear?" mother said crossing her arms looking back at me. And yes, my mother has changed a lot once she became queen. From the stories she told me about her, I can tell she's changed since she became queen. 
      "My birthday mother. My 15th birthday! You...forgot again!" I said then a tear fell down my cheek. I ran to the barn crying grabbing my horse and running into the woods. My mother loved to go to the village, but I love nature, maybe because I like to use my nature powers and play and talk with the animals.
      "Hey, Winter. Do you think that in would have a better mother and father is I was a citizen?" I asked my horse leaning against a big tree trunk.
      "No dear princess! It would be horrible! You'd be poor!" So tee said swallowing some grass. 
      "Yeah but they would notice me! And they'd hang out more with me! But then I wouldn't have you...never mind I love my life!" I said standing up.
      "Hey, let's go to the village a bit and check out the book store." Winter said walking to me. I nodded my head then hopped on Winter. She ran supriseenly fast. I had so much fun.
      "Stay here! I'm going to get some nature books." I said then walked tears the store. 
      "Hello miss?" a strange voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a boy around my age. 
      "Uh...hi." I said thinking that's shouldn't let anyone know I'm the princess so I made up a random name.
      "I've never seen you here before. What's your name? I'm Andy. That's my brother Randy. We are twins." he said and pointed to his brother. They both are very cute. They have black cute hair, green eyes, tall, muscular, and tan skin. 
       "I'm...Adela." I said turning around nervously walking to the book store.
       "Cool. We are going to the book store too. We love reading!" Randy said walking faster. 
      "Well I'm just checking one book out then going to my hideout in the woods-" I stopped myself then hurried to the book store. I grabbed the book then ran to Winter. Then the two boys came running to me by my horse. 
      "Wow! Beautiful horse!" Andy said petting my horse.
      "Stop! I have to get going! Well, it was nice meeting you Andy and Randy! Bye!" I said making Winter go full speed into the woods. 
      "Phew. That was annoying." I said laughing getting off Winter.
      "Yeah, but I saw that they liked you princess Adela..." Winter said rolling on the ground. 
      "Yeah yeah I made up a random name. Stop laughing!" I said sitting down. I read the book to some nature animals and Winter.
      "That's it for today guys. Bye." I said closing the book and getting on Winter.
      "Wow! Nice hiding spot Princess Isabelle." Randy said walking out of the bushes with Andy. 
      "We should meet out here some days! Oh or we can meet at the barn then go for a horse ride!" Andy said with a cute smile. 
      "It sounds fun! Now I really should get going! Mynmothers going to kill me!" I said then made Winter run and I yelled bye to them. When we got back to the palace. I put Winter away and took all the riding stuff off then ran to my room. I didn't hurry to change because I thought that my mom wouldn't be mad because she's done it more than me when she was my age. 
      "Isabelle! Dear don't go out there again!" she said searching in my closet, then pulled out a beautiful waterfall blue dress.
      "Oh my. That dress. It's the one in the stories you tell me about." I said feeling the fabric. I looked at her asking if it was mine and she nodded her head saying yes. I was so excited I grabbed it and ran into the bathroom. I walked back out and twirled the dress around and then stopped and looked at my mother.
      "I love it!" I said with a big smile running to my mother hugging her.
      "I'm glad you do!" she said hugging me back harder. 
      "So is the ball today? I forgot." I said letting go of her and sitting on my bed.
      "Yes! The ball is today dear. And the entire royalty will only be here!" my mother said walking to me sitting.
      "No! The entire village! And near by towns!" I said standing up grabbing a pen and paper.
      "Give this to the announcement guy to go to the village and towns and tell everyone that they are invited!" I said handing it to my mother and smiled. She smiled back then walked town the hallway to the guy and told him to do it.
      They time came when the doors opened and the ball has begun and people were being announced. 
      "Randy and Andy. The best friends of the princess." the announcer said holding the note the guys gave him 
      "Wait! Randy! Andy!" I yelled standing up running to them, and I heard everyone gasp. Then I realized that I ran and yelled, and my mother would yell at me telling me that a proper princess will never do that. And I would roll my eyes. 
      "Isabelle! You shouldn't have done that!" Randy said with wide eyes. I heard my fathers chair ckreech back. I turned around seeing him standing up looking really mad. 
      "If thoes two boys make Isabelle do this every special acatione. They will be sent to a three week travel kingdom!" my father yelled signaling the guards to get them.
      "NO!" I yelled running out the doors really mad knowing that I couldn't stop him. I was thinking on following the carriage that they will be taken on. I was going to play my mom and run away but change it up a big. I ran to a good witch and asked for three wishes. 
      "I want you to take away my royalty! Make people forget that I am a princess! And did my father really change the rule to marry a non royal? And my third wish would be for my family, friends, and strangers to forget who I am!" I said then got up from where I was sitting and walked to my house. 
      "Wishes granted! And yes, your father did not change the rule! No one did!" she said then disappeared into a white puff of smoke. I quickly got onto my horse Winter and ran to the kingdom that Randy and Andy were sent to. 
      Three weeks have past and really the only people I told the witch not to change is Randy and Andy to not forget anything. I stopped by a stable and put winter there to rest. I brought a lot of money, coins, and gold to help with stuff. I also brought the blue waterfall dress my mother gave me, and I took some of her ragged clothes. 
      "Hello. Who may you be?" a strange voice said behind me tapping my shoulder. 
      "Uhh. I'm Ella." I said turning around looking at the guy that asked. He had black slick hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular, and expensive farm clothes.
      "Oh, so you are new?" he said crossing his arms then smiled. 
      "Yes. I am. And you must be a pretty rich farmer." I said smiling. He looked at his clothes then smiled nervously like I was finding out something he didn't want me to know.
      "ISABELLE!!!" I heard Randy and Andy running towards me then I quickly ran into the woods. Andy and Randy followed me.
      "Guys shut up!" i said then told them everything that I did. 
      "So yeah. Call me Ella! I am not a princess. I'm just a normal citizen. So yeah. See you guys soon! Bye!" I said walking back into the village. I went to a store and grabbed some food. I turned around to leave the stand then ran into that strange guy I met. 
      "Hey, i never really got to say who I am. I'm Alex. I'm the prince. Now can we keep this a secret that I come here once and a while and no one notices that I even come here hahaha." he said then followed me to the stables I rented. 
      "Wait you live in this stables?" he said looking worried. I looked at him and nodded then sat next to Winter and leaned against her. 
      "I can get use to it!" I said getting a little tired. My eyelids began to feel heavy, the wind put chills through my body, and the lights from the burning fire burned out. Alex took off his jacket and put it around me, then I fell asleep. 
      I woke up by the bright sunrise shining through my eyelids, and the sound of people walking on the streets and talking. 
      "Ugh. My head hurts." I said putting my hand on my head. Winter stood up then walked to get some water. I stood up then put my arm on the wall to help me stand still because I got a little dizzy.
      "Haha I got up to fast." I said letting go of the wall and walked to a book store near by. 
      "Hi, may I please rent a book?" I asked walking up to the desk, then looked around the big library.
      "Yes you may. What do you like?" the lady said looking very sad so I decided to lighten up her day.
      "I like love stories and romance. And by the way you are very beautiful!" I said with a soft smile. She smiled nervously at the floor then handed me a book.
      "Thank you! And here is a book. You are beautiful to!" she said still smiling with a big smile.
      "You are very kind! I can tell your heart is kind, loving, and you are brave and fearless." the lady said grabbing her cup and took a sip waving bye to me. I remember every word that lady said, and that's when I decided to be a kind, loving, and fearless person. Oh and can't forget the brave. So then I walked around town and kindly talked to some people. Then I saw a homeless, no money, old, and hungry lady. 
      "Hello there. Are you hungry?" I said offering her some bread and water. 
      "Yes please!" she said then gently took it out from my hands. I sat there reading her a book, then gave her some money and a blanket me and her knitted. 
      "I have nothing in return but your kindness. You have bright light and it shines with strong kindness!" the lady said with a very happy smile then laid down to rest. 
      "Good night miss." I said turning around walking down the street to my stable. As usual I would lay down next to winter, read to her, then fall asleep. 
End of chapter one...
( next chapter will be called "Ella")


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