Mental High Read Count : 175

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Mental High

I want to be high 
Not a alcohol tipsy high 
Not a pill high 
Not a coke or Methamphetamine high.

I need to be high 
High on knowledge 
High with the mental capacity to 
To change lives through my  digital paper and pen. 

I want to reach a level a high
Where my words can full empty minds and give hope to the hopeless. 

I want to reach an another level of high
To inspire 
I want to use my words to feed 
All those who are in need. 

My words 
Our words 
I write to be free 
Not only for me 
But to lift hearts 
And inspire minds 
And to sooth souls. 

And as i read your lines 
You all sooth my entire soul 

© copyright 
Romaine Davy 


  • 💜

    Jan 05, 2018

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