For Ryan (Part 2) Read Count : 136

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Two-Ryan's Request
-1 Week Later-

Sunlight filled the lawyer's office as the beige window shades were opened by the secretary. Jay walks in the room with his fiance, Ava Addison, who carried herself gracefully. Her pair of black heels accentuated her long legs and calves. Her dress was black with mushroom colored polka dots. She wore a pearl necklace and her hair was in a curly updo. Her hand was gently holding Jay's as they seated themselves onto pleather chairs. Next to enter was Evan Connor and his wife, Isabelle-or Izzy-as she is more commonly known. Her attire was simple-jeans, a dressy light grey shirt and black wedges. Izzy tucks one side of her long blonde hair as she sits with her husband. The last two people to come in was the lawyer and Dr. Emily Gerard. The lawyer promptly goes to his desk with an evelope and sits down. The doctor sits next to him with a thicker envelope in her hands.
The meeting began with the lawyer intorducing himself as Mr. Edward Barrick. He opens up the file in front of him containing Ryan's will. Adjusting his reading glasses, he reads the information. Ryan left his spacious apartment to Evan and Izzy, which surprised Jay. Not trying to be negative, but he wondered why.
Ava lovingly squeezes Jay's hand and whispers: "Are you okay?"
Jay nods. "Yeah, I'm fine." He whispers back.
Last but not least, Ryan left his wealth to Jay and Ava. Ryan use to produce music for famous music artists, he was very good at it. His valued posessions were left sole to Jay. The meeting ended sooner than Jay expected. Mr. Barrick dismissed everyone except Jay-he was asked to stay behind a little while longer. 
"Please have a seat Mr. Evers. There is a DVD from your brother that he wants only you to view. This is the second part of his will." Mr. Barrick says. 
Dr. Gerard opens up the filein her hands and takes out the disk. She inserts it into the DVD player that was right behind her, then moves behind Jay's seat. Raising the remote, she presses the play button. Ryan appears on the screen, sitting in a chair in front of the camera. The background indicated that he was in the hospital while recording the messege. There was a smile on his face. It was like he never left.
Ryan waves to the camera and says: "Hi, Jay. I hope you are watching this, because what I have to say, you know...before I go, is very important. You probably know I left you my money and possessions. But, there is one thing I haven't told you about that I value more."
Ryan pauses, thinking about what to say.
Then he continues: "Kendra and I were happy in the time we were together. We at one point wanted to get married and start a family. One day, we made definite plans to have a baby. Long story short, I became pregnant. I was so excited that things were coming together. But...I think once Kendra realized how real the situation was getting, she packed up and left."
Ryan looks away from the camera for a moment.
"Hey, I want you to see this." Ryan says excitedly to the camera. he gets up and lifets up his shirt, showing his belly.
"I know its not much to look at right now, considering I'm only two and a half months along. If you look closely, the lower part of my belly is pudgier. That there is a baby, Jay. Man...I wish I could see this kid grow up. But I'm dying. And I won't take this baby down with me. So, I need you to do something for me, please. I want you to continue to carry this baby. Raise it as your own. Love it, spoil it, and guide it well. If you choose not to accept this, well...I just hope you do choose to keep this baby. Dr. Gerard will fill you in on the details. So, um, that's it." 
Ryan gets up to turn off the camera. Before he does, he adds: "Love you, bro."
That was the end of the message. Jay was somewhat blindsided about the bomb his brother dropped on him.
"So, what do you think?" Dr. Gerard asks Jay.
He puts his fingers to his temples, feeling overwhelmed.
"Are you alright, Jay?" She asks with concern.
"Yeah, um, sorry. It's! Ryan was pregnant? I had no idea. Why didn't he tell me before?"
Dr. Gerard thinks about it briefly. "I remember him telling me he wanted to surprise you. But his illness took over so fast, this was the only time he could tell you."
Jay straightens up in his chair. He was quiet. Then asks: "So, um, what happened to Ryan's baby?"
"The hospital has a special laboratory that cares for unborn infants. When an expectant parent is seriously injured or sick, but the fetus is unharmed, the unborn child is carefully transferred from the womb to an artificial incubator until the parent has recovered. If the parent dies, the child is passed on to the next living relative. But if there are living relatives, then the child is given to a couple who wants a baby. Your brother's baby is currently in an incubator. However, it is only for temporary occupation. The child is not meant to grow to full term in it." The doctor explains. "You are Ryan's only living relative..."
"Wait, hold on...I know where you're going with this. First of all, I'm not a male carrier. My body isn't built to carry a baby, like Ryan's. I would do anything for my brother, but what both you and Ryan are asking of me is impossible." 
Dr. Gerard purses her lips together. "Not necessarily, there is a way. I can arrange a procedure in which an artificial growth system would be placed into your body, that allows the baby to grow normally. There will be side effects, such as nausea, cravings, mood swings-just like in a normal pregnancy." 
"Doctor, it's just so much to take in. Honestly, I don't think my fiance and I are ready for kids-we're not married yet. I'm not sure how to decide." He sighs, then stands up and walks toward the door. "I need some time to think about this."
Dr. Gerard nods her head. "That is fine. But please, let me know your decision within fourty-eight hours. The baby has to be transferred from the incubator into a womb as soon as possible. Jay, I know this situation may seem ill-timed and impossible to take on. But, not all things happen when we want them to. It's you're brother's will for you to keep the baby. I hope you make the right choice."
Jay walks out into the hallway where Ava, Evan and Izzy waited for him. Ava reached for Jay's hand, noticing the overwhelmed look on his face.
"What's wrong?" Ava asks.
Seeing that he was worrying his friends and fiance, Jay snaps out of it then puts on a smile. "Nothing's wrong." He assures her. "Just...some minor last things on Ryan's will. Nothing major."
Ava hugs him tightly then kisses him on the cheek. "Well, okay then."
"Its been a long day guys. Let's get ice-cream- my treat." Evan offers.
"Sounds great, babe." Izzy wraps her arms around her husband.
Ice-cream was a good idea. Ava got a chocolate cone, Izzy got a rasberry cream, Jay picked plain vanilla, and Evan went for a banana spilt. They all sat in a booth in the corner of the ice-cream shop.
"This is a really great rasberry! I like it better than the store-bought. The taste is different between the two, I think." Izzy mentions, happily eating her ice-cream.
"I totally agree." Ava says.
"We take Caelan here once in a while. She loves the cookie dough a lot, a creature of habit." Evan adds, eating his banana-split with gusto. "I've been craving a banana-split for a week. Mmm...good."
Jay puts down his cone, ambiguously staring at his friend. Jay and Evan have been friends forever, and Jay realized something uncharacteristic about Evan. 
"Uh, Evan...I know you to be a Rocky-Road guy. You have never liked banana-splits in your life." Jay observes.
Evan eventually ceased eating the banana split in front of him, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then folded his hands onto his lap. He looks at Izzy and she reciprocated by nodding to him, trying to hold in her excitement.
"Well, we were going to tell you next week..." Evan begins.
"Is it...?" Ava's eyes widened.
Apparently, Jay was the only one who wasn't getting the hint.
Evan transiently glances down at his belly, fondles it, and smiles at Ava and Jay.
"I'm pregnant." He says excitedly. "Caelan is going to have a little brother or sister. I figured if Izzy had Caelan, then it's my turn."
"Wow, congratulations you two! A baby!" Ava says ecstatically. "How far long are you?"
"Almost three months." Evan answers.
Jay was surprised at the news. But it did explain why his best friend has a newfound appetite for banana splits. And it also explains why Ryan willed his apartment to Evan and Izzy. He must have known first that Evan was pregnant.
"This is great. I'm happy for you Evan, and Izzy." Jay smiles.
"Thanks, Jay."
Later that evening, Jay and Ava dropped off Evan and Izzy at their home. They said their goodbyes and then Jay drove Izzy home.
"How exciting! I'm so happy for them. That will be us someday. I would love to have children, but maybe after we've been married for a while. Thank goodness you don't have your brother's ability, I would love to have a baby myself when we do decide to have kids...oh, sorry...I'm rambling. Well, we have our wedding in four days. It's going to be so strange not going by my last name anymore. Ah, Ava Elise Evers. Oh, I can't wait." Ava kisses Jay.
"Me too." Jay says, patting her leg.
Jay parked the car in front of Ava's house. Her parents were staying with her. The lights were off in the house and obviously they were already asleep. Jay kisses Ava before parting ways.
"Love you."
"See you down that isle. I'll be the one in the long white dress." Ava says as she gets out of the car.
Jay watched her walk into her house and close the door. Then he drove home. 
Jay pulled up into the driveway, but remained in his seat, thinking about Ryan's baby and what Dr. Gerard had said. Jay was faced with a huge dilema. He admitted to himself that it was unfair for the baby to be left in the incubator or given to another family. And Ava wants kids, but sometime after they are married, who knows when that is. Either way a decision had to be made.
"What are you going to do?" Jay heard an echo of Ryan's voice inside his head.
Jay turns on the ignition and puts the car in reverse. Putting his hands on the wheel, he breathes in deep through his nose.
"The right thing." He says.
Jay backs out of the driveway into the street. Then he makes his way towards the hospital.


  • amazing story keep up the good work its just a little weird having boys being able to have kids but still Awesome

    Jul 04, 2017

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