GODOPEDIAOLOGY Moral Value 4 Independence Vs Dependence Read Count : 123

Category : Scripts

Sub Category : Plays

GODOPEDIAOLOGY: Is independence for anything so important. Can't humans stay under someone's control?

SATAN: Not only humans, even animals, angels and each and every creature on the earth prefer it's freedom. No one doesn't like to be caged.

JESUS: It is true but not all of them can stay independent all the time, at some point of time they need to give up few things and stay dependent on each other and the rule holds for everyone. "what is the use of a independence when you don't have anyone to care?" Though it hurts still it is the universal rule and even in our space we don't have one planet, sun or moon but there are infinite stars and planets in our universal to make us realize that both dependence and independence are 2 faces of the same coin.


  • Happy independence day for those countries celebrating today. Haaa...haaaa

    Aug 14, 2019

  • 👌👌👌👌👌

    Aug 16, 2019

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